Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dinner at the Duprees

Saturday night we headed to Rachel and Will's for some dinner. Rachel's due in 3 weeks (Sept 27th) so her belly is ROUND and adorable!!! We had a great time, had great food and enjoyed the company and not cooking!!!!
Mya loved watching Bailey and Sam Sam running around outside!

Grabbing her god mama's hand to drag her around.

Is there a baby in there?? Maybe she remembers this from when she was a little baby?

Laying on Bailey's bed, ready to play!

Tug-a-war with Bailey, he was being SO gentle with her!

Here's Mya in baby Dupree's pack and play. She's making sure it's safe for the baby. She was having a BLAST in this thing!!!


What I didn't get on camera was when we were up in the babies nursery and Will bends over, picks Mya up and places her in the babies NEW, CLEAN, NEVER BEEN TOUCHED, crib, WITH her shoes on!!! OMG my eyes popped out of my head!!!! Rachel goes, I KNEW he was gonna do that. As I'm racing to take her shoes off at least, she's cracking up having a ball in there!!!! So, baby 2D, Mya has made sure that your crib and pack and play are safe!!!!
Here's the baby bumps!!! LOL!!

LOVE HER and the BUMP and can't wait to meet the baby!!!!! xoxoxo

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