Monday, September 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Tony!!!!

Saturday we celebrated one of my coolest cousins birthdays, Tony!!!! He turned 20 (he actually turned 20 yesterday, on the 20th) but we partied it up Saturday. Ry and I decided we were going to just stay over since we KNEW it would be a crazy night at the Olarra's, they always have the BEST parties!!!!
Here's Mya eating an ice pop...

...and once she was done with hers, she tried to steal Eme's, little rascal!
What, am I doing something wrong??

Make a wish!!!

Ry decorated the cake, Feliz Cumpleanos McGriddles (his nickname) he wanted to put Antonia...and he used pink icing, nice Ry...

Mya ran right up to Michael when he got there.

I love how Tony is in this one, cracks me up!
Dragging Aunt Mary around..
Than she found Aunt Ann and started dragging her around..

Uncle Joe and Michael

By the fire, we were roasting marshmallows on there, MMMMMMMMM

Late night, ry on the grill...mmmmm, gotta love those drunk burgers!!!!!
Good times fam!!!!

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