Thursday, November 21, 2013

Jenks with my favorites

Family is the most important thing in my life, my family couldn't be replaced and is seriously my #1.  Being that Ryan's been working so much overtime lately, we haven't been spending lots of family time together, which has been crappy.  He's such a dedicated and hard worker, and I'm so lucky that the girls see that of him, but DAMN I miss my babe.  This past Sunday he had off, WHOOHOOO!! In honor of having a day off and the start of his birthday week, we decided to head down to Point and hit up Jenks Aquarium.  It's one of our favorite spots, well one of the girls' at least and we just LOVE to watch them explore and have fun. 
We headed down and when we got there, I got Mya out of the car and Ry got Ash out.  We started walking up, Ry had Ash in his arms and I was walking with Mya.  Mya said to Ry, "Daddy, can you hold me?"  I chimed in and said, "Mya I'll hold you."  Mya responded, "no, I want daddy." *MELT*  Well that's exactly what Ryan did and scooped her up faster then I could say anything else.
 Silly My.
 They had an awesome sand castle on the beach, we had to check it out.
 How cool?!
 Ash checkin it out with her daddy.
 Then, in we go!  Ash was LOVING the fish and sharks and would point to them and say, "Mommy, that ones you."  "Daddy, there you are."  It was so stinkin cute!  Of course, I was the bad ass shark!
 This is the best I got.  Ash never looks and Mya's got the fakest smile.  Better luck next time!
 My life is now complete, seriously this pic MELTS ME!  And it absolutely makes me realize that life is going by so fast.  In the blink of an eye these girls are going to be teenagers and I want to be sure I cherish every waking minute I have with them.  They truly mean the world and then some to me. 
 We were even there to see the penguins get fed.  The penguins are, by far, Ashley's favorite part!
 We got upstairs and the girls had to wash their hands if they wanted to use the touch tank.  So once they got all washed up, they came over and neither of them would put their hands in, LOL!  They starfish were so pretty in there.
The seals rockin a necklace.
Watching the seals.
Ash was loving this one, they were having a staring contest. 
My life, my everything, my family....
Mya wanted to take a pic too.
All done, time for some lunch....Ash wanted her mommy now, lol!
Thanks for the perfect day, babe.  Love you and our girls so much.  Thanks for everything you do for us.  xoxo

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