Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Halloween 2013

Halloween was last Thursday.  I got out of work a little early and sped over to get the girls.  When I got home, Pete, Shell and Ava were already there.  Mya decided to dress in her original mermaid costume (SCORE!) and Ash wanted to wear Mya's dance recital bunny costume (another SCORE!).  
I swear, getting a good pic of the 2 of them is very very hard. 
 Sending a pic to daddy since he was working super late that night.
 Ready to hit a few houses trick or treating.  The weather was so good, the kids didn't even need jackets!  YAY!
 Mya is always posing for me.
 Off to the first house.  I can't even take Ashley's bunny butt.
 Ava and Shell
 Such a big girl.
 This guy was creepy, I thought Mya would be scared for sure.  She seemed to be ok though.
 Uncle Frankie helping the girls across the street.
 More attempts at getting a good pic resulted in another fail.
 If only Ash could have been looking at me.
 After hitting up a few places, we came home to eat dinner.  In that time the Duprees got over too! 
My little boyfriend.
 Poor Ky.
 my heart
 Off they go.
 Reminds me of when Rach was a mouse in the nutcracker.
 Love this little munchkin.
 Especially for her love of food!  Trying to break into the twix bar.
I hope everyone had a Halloween that was just as fun and filled with candy as ours.  We're seriously drowning in it now.  SO SO MUCH!  I'm trying so hard to be good and it's really hard with all these temptations.

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