Friday, March 8, 2013

Feb iphone pics

Ok, look how on point I am people!!!  It's only the first week into March and I'm getting my Feb iphone pics in, WHOOOHOOO!
February was a short, whirlwind of a month.  And, here we go!
Mya, trying on one of the million bathing suits she has.  I have a slight obsession with bathing suits and outerwear!  Don't tell Ryan.
 Superbowl Friday.  Everyone bought in treats to my work the Friday before the Superbowl to celebrate.  I literally picked ALL DAY LONG! 
 Ash, making a cupcake on the ipad.  This kid is obsessed with the ipad.
 Who's feet are bigger?
 This was hysterical!  I look over and Ash is standing on Mya's head.  I said, Ash, what are you doing.  Mya screams, NO NO NO MOMMY, I'm helping her up.  Sissy love!
 Monday, Feb 4th, I started a new fitness regime.  Not so much a diet, but a clean eating and fitness program.  I'm following LiveFit by Jamie Eason (check her out on  I started off strong with the clean eating.  Didn't even really cheat the first 2 weeks.  I'm not gonna say, it's all gone downhill from there, cause it hasn't.  However, I'm onto a daily cheat and it's usually later in the evening, when it's the worst time to eat all that junk!  UGH!  Whatever, I'm still going strong and working out harder then I have in a long time.  I'm feeling and seeing results already (I'm in week 5 now).  And I'm feel so much better.  The eating is great and I really do feel so bad when I cheat (which is great) but I'm still doing it, GRRR!
So here's a look at my daily breakfast.  I've been waking up about 25 minutes earlier then I used to.  Ry and I are pretty much doing this eating together.  So, since he is downstairs before me, he gets the eggs ready.  We have egg whites with all sorts of veggies, salsa and flaxseed, we have some fruit and sometimes we'll have oats or sometimes we'll put the eggs on a corn tortilla.  It's been YUMMY!!!!
  I was on a salad kick for a while, I've kinda stopped making this now (but I should get back into it).  I was making a salad with spinach, red quinoa, chickpeas, mushrooms, peppers, shredded chicken and putting a fresh squeezed lemon, salt and pepper on it for lunch, NOM NOM!
Mya building a castle.
 Mya kicks the crap outta Ryan in our bed.  So we've moved her onto the ground if she wants to sleep in our room now.  I snapped this pic of her one night.  A random night she wore PJ's, usually she's pantless, lol.
 Nona's house is the HARDEST place for me to resist my sweet tooth urge.  This could be why.  We get there and she usually immediately has Mya and Ash help her make a dessert (which is usually added with other stuff).  Hey, all fine with me since they will eat all their veggies for dessert!!!  I can't blame them for loving sweets.  This Thursday, mom had them make chocolate covered pretzels with mini m&m's.
 We got home and I had gotten a bathing suit top that day.  I tried it on (Regan, that Target chevron one, lol) so the girls had to put on theirs too!  LOL!  Can't take Ashley's tush.
 Mya went for her first official haircut.  Yes, she's gotten quite a few bang trims, but this time I actually had Chrissy cut her whole head to even it all up.  When we got home, Ryan said "you didn't even ask me if this was ok?"  It was kinda cute.  Sorry babe.
 New cut....front shot.
 ...back shot.  Looks so short compared to how it was.  But so nice and evened out.
 Daddy does Ashley's hair SO DAMN CUTE!  He put it in a pony and hairband.  Recently though he's been doing pigtails and a little clip.  BEST DADDY EVER!  Seriously, it's the cutest, he really adores his little ladies and it's so clear.  We are 3 very lucky girls!
 These girls are too cool...!
 Mya and I went shopping for a birthday present.  We ran to Nordstrom and walked past some first communion dresses.  Mya was IN LOVE and was begging me to try one on.  I told her there is no way they were going to fit her but that if she was a good girl, she could try on another pretty dress.  So she was great, as usual.  She picked out this dress to try on and was IN LOVE!
 Modeling it for mommy.
I had to take a video of her spinning in it.  It was so so cute.
 We have quite the artist on our hands.  Daddy likes to draw with her.  She's pretty much already drawing better then me.  This was so so cute.  She drew this pic of her, Reese, Ashley and Brookie.  I just love that she made Reese and Ashley's hair curly and little Brookie with peach fuzz!! Had me dying!
 Ry likes when I send him shots from the gym, lol!  Noticing some definition in my arms, YAY! 
 Mags took Mya for a mani with her, SO SWEET! 
 The crew, lol!
 Another fun night and now that Ava, Shell and Pete are home, we've been seeing them more.  It's SO nice seeing the girls together.  I can't get enough of them.  Ash giving Ava smooches.  Ava is TALL!!!!
 Hello lovey dovey.
 so much love
 Ash was excited Dewey was home, so much that she put his shoes on, lol.
 A throwback I found at my parents.  My dad and I at my high school fashion show.  He looks so handsome in his bowtie! 
 So much love between Ash and Brookie.
 Enjoying a chocolate covered oreo from Auntie Char.  I just love that her eyes are closed.  You can't hear her going, MMMM!  SO MY KID!
 And Ash enjoying her cookie on a stick! Thanks Auntie!
 Daddy gave Ash a pedi, light color cause this kid is a maniac.
See ya tomorrow.  She talks SO SO SO MUCH!
 A nice run at my moms gym.  Her gym is SO DAMN NICE!
 Followed by ice cream that night, when the girls were sleeping.  Yup, I finished Mya's ice cream.  I didn't eat the gummy bears, YUCK! 
When we go grocery shopping, our thing is that if you can't carry all the bags inside at once, you pretty much suck.  So this is Ryan, demonstrating how us Bea's do's it!  Bags all the way up his arm AND the water in the other hand!  DIESEL!
Mya, sick at the Dr.  Poor boo had laryngitis.  She started feeling warm on Saturday, the 16th night.  Sunday she woke up warm again and then by Sunday night, she had no voice.  Poor thing was a trooper.
Ash playing at the Dr.  Who later that week got sick.  Then passed it to mommy.  Ry was the only one who dodged it.  Although, he was feeling crappy this week.  It definitely makes it's way around the house.  And I think outside of the house too cause Mary got sick, SORRY TITI!
Tony wanted to come see the girls one night.  Ash wanted him to hold her after her tubby.  TOO CUTE!
Mary sent me this pic one day of Ash doing play-doh.  She loves play-doh and will play with it for a while too.
My love showing me how she's gonna smile for picture day.  Pictures came out AMAZING TOO!!!!  She picked out her outfit that day, which could have been a fight.  I wanted her to wear skinny jeans with this cute teal top and her fringe boots.  She had other plans of wearing tights, a tutu, and a cardigan (accessorized with a headband and her peace necklace).  She won, sometimes I have to chose my battles wisely, plus she still looked cute!
A mani that daddy gave her for picture day.  BEST DADDY EVER!
Slightly ecstatic that Jamie Eason is following me on pinterest.  LOVE HER!
My meal started out good, tilapia, quinoa and zucchini.  However, it was followed by thomas sweets!  The left is strawberry cheesecake ice cream with graham cracker crumbs and strawberry syrup (SLAMMIN!).  The one on the right is mint chip with pieces of the thin mint girl scout cookies in it and chocolate sprinkles, MMMMM!!!!!
Went to my parents one day and my mom bought this for Mya to do.  I remember making a million of these when I was younger!!!!  LOVE!
We stopped by Rachel's one morning to pick up Ryan's car that Will had worked on.  Auntie Rachel came out and told Mya and Ash that Willie was sick.  Mya was so concerned that she got home and wanted to send him a card.  It was so so sweet.  Here she is walking it to the mailbox.
Mary sent me this pic one day.  She pulled out 2 of Maggie's dresses from when she was a baby.  Mya and Ash tried them on.  Mary said, it looks like Ash is auditioning for Annie.  Or maybe she just looks like a battered orphan!  She had a booboo on her face and the dress is too big, lol!
Run time with the run crew.  Can't wait for Pete to start running with us too.
Sometimes daddy gives massages after tubby time.  The girls LOVE it!
Baking some muffins with mama.  Starting them out young.
Some QT with my lee lee.  This kid keeps me on my toes and makes me smile wider then ever.  She is so cheeky, I couldn't love more!
Mya trying out her outfit for her first ballet class, which will be in a separate post!
SO, Ash has been peeing on the potty for a while now.  It happens nearly everyday.  Just last week, she walked over to the bathroom and said to Ry, peepee.  He brought her into the bathroom, put her on the potty and she went.  We cheered, clapped and most importantly, gave her some m&m's (her favorite).  She's done that a few times since then too.  Usually when I'm home and she goes on the potty, I won't put a new diaper on her, let her get a feel for what it's like.  
One more thing, while I'm on the subject of no diapers.  So the other night we got home from work, had dinner and decided we were gonna run to Costco to pick up a few things.  Ash had went on the potty before dinner so I didn't have a diaper on her.  Totally forgetting that I didn't put one back on her, and in the midst of running out the door, without a diaper bag, we got to the store and shopped around.  We left, Ry was going to put her into the car and goes, "you didn't put a diaper on Ash?"  WHOOPS!  I totally forgot and we left without one on her, now we didn't even have one in the car.  I do keep a potty in my car, in case Mya ever has to use one.  So, I asked Ash, do you have to go potty?  Nope, so we raced home and there were no accidents, GO ASH!!!
So here is her tiny hiney with leggings on, sans diaper.
Mya tried on my first communion dress one Thursday night at my moms.  This dress has been worn by my mother, her 2 sisters and I on our First Communion days.  I'm hoping Mya will also wear it (Ash too, of course).  She was LOVING it when she tried it on.  And that's me on the right.  It just really needs a good cleaning!!!

Happy March peoples!

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