Monday, March 11, 2013

my little ballerina

So, Mya's been asking about ballet for months now.  We tried it out last year around this time and it was an epic fail.  She wasn't used to the whole, drop off, so cried once they closed the door.  Now that she's in Preschool and fine with being dropped off, I figured it's a good time.  So, I kept thinking about it, then was talking to my mom's friend about it.  She told me that Becky, her daughter, was a teacher at our friend's ballet school, to the little ones.  I was super excited so called the next morning.  The studio told me that all the classes were full.  BOO!  I figured they might be since the 'school year' starts in September like regular school and goes until May, finishing with a recital in the beginning of June.  The next day, Becky, sent me a facebook message asking me about it.  I told her the class was full and she came back a few minutes later and said, I got her in!  Someone apparently dropped out in December so there was now space for the bean!  I immediately signed her up! 
So, here she is on Friday night (before her first class, the next morning), trying out her tap shoes in her get up.  Action shot!
Ash wanted to put a leotard on too, so she put on Mya's old one (that got no use last year).  Mya is actually in the leotard that I wore when I was a kid.  MY MOM SAVES EVERYTHING!
So, Saturday morning comes and the bean is uber excited to get to her ballet class.  She looks so grown up to me here.
Here she is in the circle.  Becky took her under her wing for the first class to warm her up.  It was so sweet, THANKS BECK!!!!  I was literally stalking her and peeking in the entire class.
Sitting in line, waiting for her turn on the balance beam!  She was even talking to one of the little girls next to her.  MELT!  I told her before class to introduce herself to the girls cause she was new.
Ash was peeking in all class too. She kept running down the hall and screaming MYA, MYA.  It was adorable.
Of course, I had to take a few videos of her.  Here they are in the beginning of class, stretching.
Her turn on the balance beam, followed by a somersault.
Let the tap dancing begin!
All finished and she came running out and was so proud of herself for staying in there the entire time.  LOVE HER!
Onto this past weeks and I have a few more pics to share.  Chatting it up with a little girl.
 Mya's the one farther off, walking like a ballerina to the other side. 
Chatting it up and doing some moves too.  So proud of how good she is in just her 2nd class!
I seriously can't take the cuteness here!  I'm so happy she loves it this time cause I love watching her.  My little ballerina!!

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