Tuesday, March 19, 2013

hippity hoppity

This past Saturday we decided to head out to Brunswick Square (craphole) mall to see the Easter Bunny.  Now, I didn't know how this would go.  Mya is a breeze but Ash, well she wasn't a fan of Santa, so I didn't know if she'd like the bunny.  We got there nice and early to beat any lines that may build up later in the day.  We dressed the girls in matching outfits (of course) and had candy and snacks on hand to bribe them with.  Mya was a cinch.  We got to the bunny, she went over and sat right on his lap.  While she went to sit on his lap I said to the woman, this is going to have to be quick, I'm gonna have to put her down (speaking of Ash) and you have to snap as fast as possible.  I already felt the fear in Ashley's grip as we entered the gate to see him.  Mya was busy propped up on the bunny, smiling her heart out.  I looked at Ash and said, ok babe, ready to sit on the Easter bunny's lap, she graps my neck and says NOOOOO!!!  Ok, this is gonna be tricky.  I tried to work with her, Ash, daddy has tic tac's want to hold them and you can eat one?  NOOOO!  Do you want to get a piece of candy?  NOOO!  Ok, this wasn't gonna work. I decided it was just time to set her down.  Down she went and I ran to the camera and tried to get her to smile, FAIL!  Here is the best we got!
After the bunny pics, since it was too chaotic to try and snap pics at the same time.
Of course she's waving to him now.  I said, Ash you wanna go back and sit on his lap, NO! lol
Love how she's standing here.
Ava met us there too!  She was good on his lap.  No tears.  Of course she cracked her smile, on his lap, once the pics were done!  Her pic still came out super cute.
Time for pretzels and fun.  This thing was pretty cool.
As we were leaving we passed the little rides.  Mya wanted to go on one so bad.  Since she was so good we said she could.  Ava even hopped on.  Imagine, 15 years down the road when they're really driving together, YIKES!
Ash, as happy as can be in the race car.
We went back to Pete and Shell's to play for a bit.  Shell was reading to Mya and Ava.
Ash was just, being Ash!
Little video of Ava moving around with her stroller. 

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

It's possible that this is the best Easter Bunny picture yet! I am cracking up!!

Ramblings of a Suburban Mom