Thursday, October 18, 2012

three and a half?!!

My little bean sprout turned 3 and a half on Monday.  WHAT???  When did this happen???  When did I stop having babies and start having toddlers.  Mya seems like a friggin grown up these days.  I've been letting her stay up all late lately too since Ryan's been working nights.  She's my little buddy and I love it!  Ry thinks I'm nuts for letting her stay up, but whatever, she tells me when she gets tired (most of the time).  She's doing SO much lately, and thank god for the blog cause her baby book mine as well be non existent.  I basically use this as a baby book (sorry girls). 
Her pre-school transition has been amazing and she absolutely LOVES it!  Although, last Thursday was the first day Mary called to tell me that Mya got sad and started crying when she was leaving :(.  I emailed the director to make sure she calmed down (even though Mary said she was fine by the time she left).  The teacher said that she told her she missed mommy.  But the teacher said, I told Mya that when she misses mommy and she's at school, it's ok, she can love her!  I was like AWWWW!!! I freakin LOVE her school and teacher so much!
She LOVES dance parties and we pretty much have them on a regular basis.  She sings the songs and it cracks me up!  (so call me may may, LOL!).  I think moves like jagger is still on the top of the list.  But the other day she told me to put Katy Perry on, lol!
She isn't, like the rest of the world, all about disney princesses, which is fine with me.  She likes them but isn't obsessed.  When I let her watch a movie, she usually asks for Madagascar, which I love.  Her favorite TV show at the moment is Doc McStuffins, which is so cute!
She loves to ride her bike outside with the neighbors and really just loves to be outside playing with them.  Super sad they're moving :(
She asked me the other day if she has bones in her body.  So out of the blue, but I was impressed with the question.  She's very inquisitive these days.
I was reading her 2 year post the other day and was amazed that she was just stringing 2 words together cause now-a-days we can't shut this child up!  She talks ALL THE TIME and she can even count to 10 in spanish (thanks Olarra daycare!).  She's a bit shy at first with people but once she opens up, she won't stop talking.
She prefers showers these days cause she's a 'big girl'.  Kind of annoying since now we have to do 2 cause Ash usually takes a tub.  Sometimes I either get Mya in the tub or Ash in the shower though.  It's hard with just me being home and having to do both.  It was so much easier when Ry could take one and I would do the other.  I give so much credit to single parents, I don't know how you do it all the time.  At least there's a light at the end of our tunnel.
You are such an independent little mama.  You pick out your own clothes, sometimes when i'm lucky though, you let me choose.  You have been doing this a while now and I even see your sissy picking up on it somtimes, JOY!  You are obsessed with animal print (thanks Mags, although I had an obsession when I was younger too).  Sometimes I get annoyed that I don't get to put you in that adorable little sweater I picked out for you or that super cute skirt that you told me just isn't cute.  I then realize that fashion is self expression and I'm always telling her to be her own person.  So rock on with those cheetah pants and striped shirt, if that's what makes you happy, mommy is happy too! 
You are the sweetest big sissy to Ashley and it just melts my heart watching you with her.  The way you love her and hug her just puts such a big smile on my face.  In the morning when we hear Ash wake up (and you're already awake), you ask to go get her.  You open the door and she gets so excited and you love to just talk to her.  It's the sweetest.
I was so happy to be off last Monday, her actual half birthday.  Now, we have never really celebrated half birthday's.  Although, Ryan always claims that his half birthday is my actual birthday (my bday is May 10, his is November 20).  I say, his is May 20, but whatever.  Anyway, I decided that we celebrate.  Why not, right?!  Plus, it made her feel extra special, which I always love!
We woke up and were being silly. 
 Breakfast time, we even let her blow out candles (which were put in the strawberries). 
 Mya even let Ash blow some out too.
 Since Ry has been working nights, BOOO!!   We let him sleep in.  What better way to be woken up than with both your girls all up in your face?!
 I made this yummy tomato basil soup with grilled cheese for lunch.  I was obviously off on Monday.
 Yes, more candles and singing before daddy goes to work.
Making her wish... 
 Ash was having fun riding the doggy.
 Mya was nice enough to help Ash eat her ice cream.  Surprisingly Ash finished dinner before Mya tonight. 
 More candles, of course. 
I hope all your half birthday wishes come true!  xoxo

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