Thursday, October 25, 2012

Happy 30th to Kelly and Tony

A few weekends ago, one of my oldest friends, Kelly, and her husband, Tony, celebrated their 30th birthday's with an 80's themed party.  SO MUCH FUN!  I haven't been to a 'dress up' party in years (have I ever been to one?).  You guys should totally make this an annual thing, we'd be so down!
So I obviously just wore 80's chick apparel, shiny leggings, off the shoulder top, leg warmers, side pony, you know, neons!  Ry was Vanilla Ice.  He was seriously, HYSTERICAL!  Ry never gets into stuff like this and he was, more so than me I think.  He actually ordered 2 adidas track suits cause the first, vintage purple one that came happened to be womens (which was marked as mens on ebay).  So he found this one, which was actually better I think. 
We went to Char and Eric's first and thank god her babysitter helped us do our makeup.  It's like the blind leading the blind with us! 
Vanilla Ice and Joe Montana
Char and Eric, so hot!
Group shot before we left.
Susie was HYSTERICAL!!!! 
These 2 were actually the 2 that were up to win.  You all know my vote was for Vanilla Ice Ice baby!
Ry and Tony
So cute, they had all these tapes lying around.
Aren't we hot?!
The guys too!!!
Ry and Casey.
Gracie was up late, she wanted to party too!
They had nintendo set up too, we were having so much fun playing super mario brothers.  I miss that game!
Kat is looking fierce!
The Osmond crew.  They wanted to get a pic for their Christmas card, how cute!
A fun night out, for sure!!!
The Stafford girls...LOVE you all.
And the costume winners!!!!  I don't know what I like best on Sue, the wig or the jeans!!!!
Love you Kel.  Hope you had an amazing 30th.  We had so much fun celebrating with you and Tony as you rang in your 30th year.  To many more years celebrating (and more costume parties!!!).  Love you guys...xoxo

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