Thursday, October 11, 2012

rest of the weekend...

We went to chill for a bit at Mary and Joe's on Saturday night.  Ash does anything to scare the crap outta me.  She will soon be completely covered in bruises and bumps.  Why wouldn't she want to stand on the tupperware to play in the kitchen?
 Mya loves Thomas! 
 Mya and her best friend
Sunday we had Kayla's 7th birthday party at the bowling alley.  Mya was a little hesitant at first.  She kept saying, mommy I just woke up from my nap (which is true, we actually woke her up so we could be on time, we were still 15 minutes late).  So she just chilled back a bit.  Ash, on the other hand, didn't have a problem jumping right into bowling. 
 She even ran down the lane!!!  Does this really surprise you???  Ry ran after her and busted his A$$!!!!  I wish I got it on video!!!  Sorry babe.
 Once Mya warmed up, she had a blast!
 Food time, sitting next to Kiera.
 Back to bowl for a bit.  She was loving it.
 SO MUCH FUN!  Happy Birthday Kayla!

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