Friday, October 7, 2011

4 months old, OH MY!

4 months old, JEEZ!!! Where is the time going? I feel like now that I have kids, time goes by SO MUCH FASTER! I keep reminding myself to enjoy every second and I do. I love my little girls but I wish life would slow down.
So Ashley is 4 months old! BOY OH BOY time flies! She has such a personality and I LOVE every aspect of it, well besides the no sleeping part. She's lucky she's so darn cute and I love her to pieces or I'd just sleep right through the cries. The whole sharing the room with Mya thing is making it a bit harder to let her cry it out in the night too (which may be a little too early anyway, but still). The second she cries I hop up and get in there so she doesn't wake Mya, which isn't always successful. Especially if Mya has already found her way to our bed (but that's a whole other issue in itself)! So anyway, here are her stats:
Weight - 15lbs 6ozs (75%)
Height - 25 3/4" (95%)
She's in 3-6 month clothes and some 6-12 month stuff too, she's LONG!
She wears size 2 diapers, but I think she'll be moving to 3's soon.
She's regressed to a crappy sleeper, waking 2-3 times a night. What the heck, last month she was only waking up once/night, now 2-3 times. It's like she knows I'm back to work and wants to abuse me! I wish we could let her cry it out, but than it's a domino effect and she'll wake up Mya too. Any advice on this would be appreciated!
She loves her exercauser.
She has pretty much outgrown her swing, or just don't really care for it much anymore.
She reaches for toys, fingers, and she LOVES her Sophie the giraffe.
She's so ticklish, especially on her armpits, thighs and neck.
This little ginger is SO friggin happy it's so sweet! She is always smiling and laughing.
She LOVES watching her big sissy play. Just fixes her eyes on everything she does, smiling and laughing away.
She rolls over constantly, prefers to be on her belly these days.
She grabs at her toes and grips onto them pretty tight.
She takes formula now since I'm back to work, I still breastfeed when I'm with her and I pump at work so she has some breast milk at Mary's too.
Mya wanted to be in this one

Happy little mama

Had to get a tutu on her.

all smiles

she looks so big to me in this one.

Showing her super strong neck off!


1 comment:

Shannon Dew said...

awe they are so so cute! happy 4 months!