Wednesday, October 23, 2013


This is our 3rd annual Terhune trip.  This is the first year little Miss Ava joined in also!  SO MUCH FUN!  It was a nice, crisp autumn day and we headed out for a late morning visit.
Ready to roll!
They have some pumpkins right when you walk in so we tried to get a shot of the 3 girls.  Couldn't be so lucky to get them all to cooperate though.
Ash wouldn't even freaking look.
We headed over to see the animals next.  Dewey was showing Ava the roosters.
This part was HYSTERICAL!  The girls were so into it. was Pete!
Nonna and Dewey even joined in.
Then Ava was putting her head in all the faces.
Mya just wanted to be the horse, but I think this is the goat, lol!
Lets run around the hay!
Ava just wanted to chill in the hay.
Ash kept jumping off the hay...

Next up, horse rides.
Mya LOVES the horse rides.
my big girl.
Ash was uber excited too!
Too stinkin cute, saying giddy up the whole ride Ry said.
Ashley's horse was going so much faster then Mya's.  She actually finished before her!  Story of my life, Ash is always a mile a minute!
Hayride cuties.
The Cipot crew.
The Bea crew (Ash was already gettin down on her donut).
cousin love
Time to pick our pumpkins.
...and off she goes!
The perfect day to be picking our pumpkins.
Trying to get pics of these 2, well of Ash.  Let's face it, Mya is always ready to pose and smile for a pic!
...still not looking.
So, lets just focus on My!
My oldest, getting so big.
Ava wants this one.
Gimmie a hug.
She was dancing to the music.  This girl is always dancing when music comes on, I love it!
Next stop, the apple fields.  Pete, Shell and Ava left to get back in time for the Jets game.  We went to get some apples with my parents (and still made it back in time, HA!).
Getting the ones up top.
Daddy with his little ladies.
big hugs for their daddy *melt*
in the fields of apples...
sissy's helping sissy's
LOVE LOVE LOVE this pic!  I can't even get enough of it.
And this one too!  I guess Ash makes up for her 10000 non looking ones with gems like these!
Of course, Mya wanted to take a pic, so here she goes.  With my mama and pops.  Love you guys! 
So much fun.  Love this family tradition we started.  xoxo

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