Thursday, August 8, 2013

family love

 I often wonder how I got so lucky to have such an amazing family.  When days are long or I get stressed out over something or another, I come home to so much love and comfort.  One day last week I had a rough day. When I got home, the hugs and kisses I got from my 2 girls and hubs turned my mood around in about 2 seconds.  After our typical dinner, we decided to go for a walk, but instead of around our home, we drove into New Brunswick (gotta get a good Thomas Sweets visit in too!).  We parked a few blocks away from New Brunswick and put the girls into the stroller for a walk.  They totally relax and enjoy the stroller (most of the time) which is so nice.  We walked by the house that Ry and I first moved into together, with 5 other people.  154 Hamilton Street, damn we have some good memories there in 2002.
 Next stop, Thomas Sweets!  Seriously, the people know us there now and even said to us, wow, you guys come here alot!  LOL!
 After Thomas Sweets and the chocolate store next to it, we walked to the train tracks.  The girls love seeing the trains come in and go out. 
 That's how mommy gets to work sometimes, and in came 100000 questions!  lol
 LOVE my family so much.
 Mya was teaching Ash how to jump over the cracks. 
 My loves.
A little video. This had us dying.  Ash would literally lay on the ground to start a race!

I needed this night so bad.  Just walking around and having races and goofing around with my 3 favorite people picked me up so much.  Sometimes I get so wrapped up in crap that it takes my mind off of what really matters and that's family.  No matter what, my family comes first and foremost.  I couldn't feel more blessed.  They say your husband is your rock, and I couldn't agree more.  Coming home to my family, nothing could be better.  LOVE YOU 3 TO PIECES, always and forever...and thank you for always picking me up when I need it most....xoxo

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