Friday, August 9, 2013

another weekend wrap up

Another fun weekend.  We didn't have too much planned but we did have a birthday party for SoSo.  She turned 3!  Crazy how fast time is flying. 
Harley wanted to take a swim.
 They rented this huge, blow up water slide.  Mya went down, over and over and over!
 Colleen made all the decorations and it was super cute, as always!
 Minnie Mouse even came by, lol!  Mya gave her a huge hug, Ash was not impressed.
 Happy Birthday SoSo!
 These 2 are like 2 peas in a pod.
 cutie pie
 Playing so hard her headband turned around, lol!
 These 2!
 Sunday we hit up Asbury with my parents, the Leonhardts and the Harris fam.  What a beautiful day! 
Mya wasted no time getting into the ocean.
 Nona and her girls
 The other kids are there, time to play!
 Eva is a ball full of energy, love it.
 They were playing so good together.  Side note, I've never been to Asbury when it's been so packed!  The beach was mobbed!  WTF, we love Asbury cause it's always so low key and quiet, what's with these peeps?
 Auntie Char made a jelly fish crew for Ash to smash...
 ...she was thrilled!
 Best group shot I got.
 DYING over Eva's smile.
 I think this might be the first time I have a pic of Ash and I and she's smiling.  Who cares about the ice all over the face?  I just love it.
 Best fam shot, fail.
 We got home and Ash was knocked out in the backseat.  We just chilled with the bean.

 group shot
 Icing on the cake!!!!
 Her faces had me dying!!!
Such a fun weekend.  Love my fam. 

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