Friday, April 5, 2013

Sweet and Sassy

Saturday was filled with fun activities.  Right after the breakfast and egg hunt we headed over to sweet and sassy for a mini makeover.  We met one of my closest friends, Regan and her cutie, Gia.  I love seeing these 2 play together cause they are almost the exact age difference as Regan and I.  Mya's one year older then Gia and Regan is (and will always be, HA!) one year old then me! 
The girls got looking at all the goodies when we first got there.
Time to get their hair did!  Gia got a half up style.
Mya got it all pulled up.
Picking out her eye shadow.
She sat nice and still for the application of the green and purple eye shadow, lol.
She even got a glitter star like Gia did.
My big girl.
They also got to pick out 5 gifts from these bins.  I can't take her in these skinny jeans!
Time for their mani's.
Gia got blue and Mya chose orange and green.
Love them
They were sitting there drying their nails and Gia just went in for a hug, it was SO SO SWEET!
Mya followed but made sure to not mess up her nails, lol!
We had so much fun with you girls.  I love doing girly stuff like this.  Maybe next time we can go to a place where the mommies can get something done too.  Love you girl.

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