Monday, April 15, 2013

4 years old...*TEAR*

I can't even believe that I'm writing a post about Mya being 4 years old.  How is it even possible that you've been here for 4 years?  I can still remember the day that you were born like it was yesterday.  I will never forget those first moments of you making me a mommy.  One of the best days of my life.  The second I saw you, I knew you'd be my little ray of sunshine.  You have totally made me happier than you'll ever know.  I am so lucky to have you as my little girl.  I love you with all of my heart and soul little beans, always and forever.
My mom gave you a book for your birthday and reading it has literally bought me to tears each time.  It is so true though.  Here's a little snippet, I know if you're a parent, you'll agree with this 100%.
If I could keep you little, I'd keep you close to me.
But then I'd miss you growing, into who you're meant to be!
The book is just all about wanting to keep your child little but also wanting to watch them grow into the person they become.  SO SO TRUE! 
Just the other day, you said to me, mommy I wish I was a little baby again so you can hold me all the time.  OMG, seriously made me tear up, I would hold this kid all the time! I just love everything about you, Mya.  Thank you for being the best 4 year old a mommy could ever ask for! 
Here are some of the things my little bean is up to these days.
She's in Pre-K, 2 days a week.  She absolutely loves it.  We just had her Spring parent/teacher conference.  I absolutely LOVE the teacher and the teacher absolutely LOVES Mya.  She said that if she could have 16 Mya's, she'd love it (*MELT*).  That she's very mature and independent.  She also said she always enjoys the science station at school.  She loves to do puzzles and is very good at them.  She always helps clean up and when she's done cleaning her mess, she'll help the other students with their mess.  She said she participates in circle time alot now too.  Where in the Fall, she was a little more quiet and reserved, she now raises her hand and is great at telling her stories of real life examples if they're talking about something.  If she's playing with something and a student comes over to play too and doesn't get it, she'll help them.  Just so nice to hear when you're child is so loved and learning and developing so well.
She's in ballet!  She had been talking about ballet for months, when I finally signed her up and I'm so happy I did.  She's in HEAVEN!  Her first recital is June 2nd and I seriously am so anxious to be there and cheer her on. 
She's got her big girl bike now (bike with training wheels) and rides it like she's had it for years.  She loves learning new things and picks up pretty fast on them too.
She loves to draw, gets that from her daddy for sure.
Her favorite things to do lately, besides playing outside, are doing hair and makeup (which totally brings me back to my childhood obsession) and playing doctor.  Just last week she told me that when she grows up she wants to be a doc-er (doctor), a vet-a-marry-an (veterinarian) and a babysitter.  She's just such a caring and loving little girl.

SO, without further ado, here are the pics from the morning of her birthday.  Just a little sneak peak at some of her gifts.  Since she's been so obsessed with makeup and hair lately, Ash wanted to get her a caboodle (all my girls know how much you loved yours when you were younger, I know!), filled with makeup and goodies.
And her big girl bike, which she seriously already looks kinda big on.
The set up!  Daddy, of course, got her roses cause she loves getting flowers from him.  We wrapped the box of the bike and Ry set it up and put it in the kitchen for her to see.
The night before Mya goes, I hope it's all decorated with tons of balloons tomorrow, lol!  Of course, you know we did do that too! 
Banners, streamers, balloons, the whole nine.
The first thing she said when she came down was, Mommy, why is everything pink?  Don't you know my favorite color is blue!  OMG I could have died, really kid?!  It didn't put a damper on the day but I was like WTF kid?  She still loved it.  Just cracked me up.
Ash was loving the balloons.
Ash watched Mya open everything.
After almost everything she opened, she'd turn to me and say, awwwww, I always wanted this!  Friggin love her!
Before she started opening the bike, she goes, can we eat first.  LOL, my little piggy.  We were like, um no, cause the bike was IN the kitchen and she'd have seen it.  So she started to open it. 
Even at this point, we were like, do you know what it is??  Nope, still no reaction.
Once she finally realized it was a bike, she goes, can I open it?  Ryan said, if you close your eyes and count to 3, it might just appear, all put together.  So she did it!  1......2......
Was hoping for a bigger reaction, but she truly loved it!
Went right onto it!  YAY!!!
Time to get the official measurement of our 4 year old.
Since TiTi and Tio were headed to Niagara Falls, they weren't going to be there that night for cake.  They came over bright and early to see the birthday girl and drop off presents of course.  Mya was thrilled to tell Titi it was her birthday.
Mommy #2!
Tio, Mya and Titi, love you all!
Dewey swung by before work too, Mya was thrilled to show Dewey her new bike.  YAY!
The day was filled with lots of love and fun, more posts coming soon!!!!

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