Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Happy Birthday Joey!

Last Thursday was Joey's 24th birthday.  I still remember his 21st, at the moon.  Man, what a night that was!  We went to the Olarra's to celebrate last Thursday.
This pic makes me lol, Mya on the fake phone, Joey giving JoJo a taste of the icing and JoJo looking at me like, "is this cool?"
 Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!!
 Ash blew out the candles, Joey was so excited he was waving his hands all over, wacked Mya in the face by accident.  You see her face!  LOL!  Following this, she hid under the table. 
Happy Birthday Joey!  Hope it was extra special and filled with lots of love.  xoxo

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Rutgers Unite half! DONE!

SO, last year, Frank, Ryan and I all ran the Rutgers Unite race, Frank did the 8K and Ry and I did the half.  Ry and I finsihed in about 2 hours and 11 minutes last year (10 minute mile).  We trained pretty good, for us.  We only really have time to run once/week so we did that, consistently, last year.  After the race, Frank already decided he wanted to run the half this year.  Ry and I want to keep doing this one too, it's nice to run this race on known grounds.  We grew up in this area, I went to Rutgers, our weekly runs are in Johnson park, it's like backyard running for us.  This January came and we kept saying, we need to do our weekly runs.  We did them, not as consistently as last year, but we still did as often as we could.  I, have been doing LiveFit, so that's a 5-6 day/week program as well.  I took the 2 weeks before the race off, cause I hurt my neck and there was alot going on.  But still, it's kept me in good shape.  This past Sunday came and we were all pretty nervous, ok so Ryan wasn't at all, or he wouldn't tell us he was.  We got ready, I peed about 5 times (this happens when I get nervous).  We got to the race, Ryan decided that he was going to possibly stay with us for the first mile, but then go off on his own.  He's a faster runner then Frank and I, so I knew that he was going to want to do this.  The race started and off we went, I felt good, the weather was perfect, sunny but cool (well I was freezing at first but it was good running weather for me).  It's so crowded in the beginning and we started in the back, so we were kinda weaving in and out of people to try and get up to the 10 minute pace section.  We got about half a mile in and Ryan started breathing really heavy.  I asked him if he was ok and he said, no, I can't catch my breathe.  I start freaking out and Ry runs off to the side, I follow him and tell Frank to keep going.  We pull to the side, stop and he's trying to catch his breathe.  I'm asking him if he's ok, he's saying no, I'm freaking out at this point!  I tell him, ok I'm going to find a medic, he says, NO, I'll be fine.  I try to tell him to sit down and try to calm down, but he doesn't.  After about 2 minutes he caught his breathe.  I then said to him, do you want to sit on a bench and not race or do you want to just try and take it really slow?  He said he'll take it slow.  After asking him about 100000 times if he's ok, we start back slow.  We catch up to Frank and he snapped back into it.  It was scary and really strange but I'm glad he got back into it and was better.  Worried the crap out of me!  So, now it's the 3 of us running.  Ryan's running ahead and slows down every few minutes for us.  After a while he goes off.  Now, it's Frank and I.  We're running and I'm feeling great, Frank however, just got over being sick, and hadn't worked out in about 2 weeks.  He even asked us that morning if he should take DayQuil, both Ry and I agreed we didn't think it'd be a good idea before a half to take that.  I asked how he was and his response was, not great, my legs hurt.  I wanted to stay with him to push him, but I was feeling so good I also wanted to see if I could get a good time in.  After debating for a while, and hearing Frank say, just go, just go, I went off.  Every once in a while, I'd get an energy spurt and speed up, at one point I looked at my nike band and was doing a 8:46 pace, SWEET!  I see Ry at one point, I wanted to try and catch up to him, but I knew that probably wasn't possible.  I was in my zone, it felt good.  Finally the final stretch was coming over landing lane and heading into Buccleuch park.  My legs were really starting to get tired, looking at my nikeplus page, I see that my pace totally slowed down to a 10:04 pace, that's coming from sub 10 pace from mile 6-11.  It's ok though.  I got through the park and the best part was running past Mya, Ash, my dad and Shirley.  Shirley made a sign for Frank and also bought and helped the girls make a sign for us (Ry helped writing it out too).  It was so nice seeing them cheer me on and rooting for me.  That feeling is seriously so amazing.  Then coming in through the finish and seeing Ryan right there waiting for me.  AMAZING!  The best part though, was being done!  LOL!  I finished in just about 2 hours and 10 minutes (9.92 pace), I was happy that I finished but seriously if I don't finish in under 2 hours next year, I might just hate myself!  We got back to the girls, dad and Shirley and Mya had to pee.  I ran to au bon pan with Mya.  There was a long line, we were waiting in it, but I was looking through the window in case we saw Frank.  We saw him, I said to Mya, we gotta get out there to root on Uncle Frankie.  We ran out and cheered at the top of our lungs!  I was so proud of him, this was his first half and he finished!!!!  It feels so good to accomplish that, even being my 2nd, it felt so good. 
So, here we are before the race. 
Frank and Shirley
My little snaps holding up her side of the sign.
Little beans with her decorated side.  Ryan wrote it out, and Mya and Shirley colored it in, so carefully.  Mya guided Shirley on what color to use and where, it was cute.
Shirley holding her sign.  It cracks me up that she calls Frank by his real name, she's the only person!  SO CUTE!
After the race!!!!  Mya had on Ryan's medal of course! 
SO, next year, I'm trying to recruit a few more people to run with us!  Fun times, glad it's over!

Happy Birthday Ava!

It's Ava's birthday and we went over to help her celebrate!  Ash and Ry stayed home cause Ash was getting sick and we didn't want to get the birthday girl sick for her party.  
We got there and Mya wanted to measure up her and Ava's foot.  Who's bigger? 
 I am 1!
 Peeking at Dewey through the bag, she was cracking up!
 Looking for Pete.
 Time for the smash cake, and that's exactly what she did!  She smashed it and smashed it and smashed it.  Did she eat it, NOPE!  Not one piece!!! LOL
The party was this past weekend.  It was circus themed and super cute. 
 Photo collage.
 Circus popcorn.
The yummy (and enormous) cake.
Pete with his birthday girl. 
Ash was in quite the mood, can you tell?
Trying to get a sissy pic, but clearly Ash wouldn't cooperate.
 Thanks Mya, lol!
 The clown has arrived.  I think most of the adults were more scared, lol!  The kids loved it!!! 
Even Ava and JoJo joined in!
 Time for the freeze dance!
 Limbo time. 
 Get low Naomi!
 Mya helped Ava through, so sweet.
 Cutie pie.
 Ava was so amused by the clown.
 Ash was so eh about the whole thing.  Didn't participate but wanted to watch.
 Balloon time, Willie was waiting so good for his sword. 
 JoJo looks so long here, big boy!
 They even had face painting, so Mya was thrilled!
Shirley too!
 JoJo got a baseball.
 And even the birthday girl was turned into a mini cutie clown! 
Ash wouldn't have the face painting, either would Willie.  So they were just outside running up and down the ramp.
 Cake time!
Happy Birthday to you!!!!
 I can do this now?
 Back at the smashing...
 ...meanwhile Ash was taking the icing off her tray and eating it! 
 love birds
 Tony is so gangster.
 These 3 are just so cute together.
 The weather was gorgeous, so we were outside alot.  Nice photo bomb, Bril.
 We had so much fun celebrating you, Ava.  We hope your birthday was as special as you are to us.  This first year has flown by and we can't wait to see what this year has in store for you.  love you tons, xoxo