Tuesday, April 24, 2012

3 years old *TEARS*

The bean is officially 3 years old. WOW, where does the time go? I swear I can still remember the night I went into labor at home (but don't worry, I won't bore you with that story). I cherish so many amazing memories with our little bean. She has grown so much in these past 3 years and I really couldn't ask for a better little 3 year old (well if we could just get rid of some of those melt downs that'd be sweet). She has brought so much joy, laughter and love into our lives and I love watching her grow.
SO, here is what the little lady is up to these days....
She weighs a whooping 35 lbs (90%) and LOVES to weigh herself on our scale. She is good at turning it on and waiting for it to go to 0, than she'll say, how many mommy?
She's 37" (50% - she's gonna be small like me, MAYBE)
She's wearing size 3T and some 4T clothes and a size 8 or 9 shoe.
She's potty trained somewhat. She's been peeing on the potty for 8+ months. That was the easy part. The pooping is another story. She has days where she'll go on the potty but most of the time she tells us, "mommy, put a diaper on." She's always had issues with pooping, her poops are hard, she's a regular to miralax and the kid CAN'T eat banana's (which sucks cause she loves them). We also try to regulate her diet on things that make your poops hard, cheese, dairy, etc. She did poop on the potty last week and was so happy (I mean we literally scream, clap, jump, you name it when she poops on the potty). She even told us that when she turns 3, she's not pooping in the diaper anymore. She turned 3 and asked for a diaper, whatever. I'm hoping, keeping my fingers crossed, praying that she comes around soon! Any suggestions are welcome! Dr suggested a sticker chart which I'm going to make this weekend. Oh and she still wears a diaper to bed. She doesn't always wet them, but always asks for water at night and I usually cave. I hate being thirsty when I go to bed, and I feel bad if she is when she asks.
She can count to 20.
She knows her ABC's.
She speaks NON STOP. Remember when I was worried she wouldn't talk?? I would literally write down all the words she said before Dr appointments to make sure she was at that number. We even did the whole Early Intervention thing (that we dropped out of after 3 sessions cause it was pointless, I think our 'teacher' just sucked too, plus she started talking). Now, this kid talks, she talks and she talks and she talks. Can't always understand everything, but she says alot! The Dr said she's talking great too, she understood everything, so we're happy.
She loves to call people (most of the time, Titi) on the way to Mary's in the morning. Big fan of talking on my phone, although sometimes she will freeze up when I ask her to talk to someone.
She can get through my phone better than I can.
She loves riding her bike and it's so funny how she rides it. She holds onto the handles and leans back if that makes any sense.
She absolutely adores little babies, like obsessed.
She's great at putting on her shoes. We got her a pair of converse with velcro straps. I tell her to get her shoes on when we're getting ready to go somewhere, she always says, "this shoe go on this foot mommy?" I look over and say yes or no and she finishes up. She's also been getting herself dressed for a long time now. My little independent fashionista. Sometimes good and sometimes not so good, especially when she gets on a kick with a certain shirt or pants. Like the purple shirt and hello kitty pants (thanks alot Mary!).
She loves to play in the car, will climb from the front to back and all over (when we're parked and the car is turned off of course).
She's OBSESSED with Ryan's Merc, she calls it the merc (like we do) and always wants to play in it.  Melts daddy's heart!
Favorite books at the moment are shoe la la, does this surprise you? This kid is obsessed with shoes or really anything fashion related, my daughter for sure! She also is a big fan of Dr Seuss books, mainly, I can't read with my eyes shut, go dog go, 10 apples up on top and the tooth book. Also loves Tallulah's tutu and the best birthday party ever.
She loves when her name is written somewhere and will point it out all excited.
Joe sings Ashley (and sang this to Mya when she was a baby) this Spanish song. Has a little hand motion too, Mya will sing this song to Ashley sometimes with the hand motion, so sweet!
Writing all this stuff down I'm realizing that I need to video tape more to get theses gems on camera!
Is a big fan of arts and crafts and loves to use her scissors and is actually really good with them!
She loves to paint her nails, your nails, my nails, your cuticles, whoever will get them done really. Pop Pop is always getting his done! And when she does your nails, or hair, she likes to ask you what your name is, she's usually Patty or Rapunzel. It's so funny. Not sure where she got Patty from, but it's hysterical!
Moves like Jagger is her favorite song. Too bad when she dances to it, her main move is the jersey turnpike, no we don't let her watch Jersey shore.
As much as we want to move and own a home, we love our neighborhood and all the little kids that come along with it. I think it's so cute when we go outside and Mya looks at me and says "Mya see if Jack and Emma are home." She'll walk down to their house and ring the bell and say, come out and play! Love that!
You love to chew gum, pink guma gum (pink bubble gum) is your fav, it's just pink extra. 
You LOVE sprinkles, if we let you, you'd put that ish on everything!
I call you my bean and lately when I say, I love you beany, you correct me and say, NO, Princess Mya!  Oh boy, we're in trouble! 
You are my little 3 year old sassy pants, I can't even take the amount of sass you give off.  Sometimes I think that's an understatement!  You crack us up!

You have said some funny things...
Oh boy (and the eye roll that comes along with it is priceless).
(while in the car she says) Don't talk on the phone mommy, or you'll go to jail!
TiTi asked you how old you were going to be at your next birthday you held up three fingers and said 18. (This was about 2 weeks before you turned 3)
You also want the priest from our church to dance with you at your birthday party. You said he can be the beast and dance with Mya. You had a Beauty and the Beast party (hence why she said the priest can be the beast).
You sing "I'm sexy and I know it!"  Yes, we're in big trouble!
You say, "Let's rock and roll sister" when we're leaving to go somewhere.
Surfs up, hooo daddy (from Backyardigans)
Ride em cowboy, and you do this thing with your hands, so funny!
When we ask you something, you say "you know why" than will answer you.
When Ashley's upset, Mya goes towards her and says "its ok, myas right here." So damn sweet!
Also, when Ashley does something good, like lets go when she's standing or takes a few steps (yes, she's taken a few steps in the past week!!!), Mya will go and hug her and say "knew you could do it Ash." OMG freaking so sweet!
Oh tay (instead of OK, cracks us up too). My Dad's trying to teach her how to say K. My dad will go say K, CA CA CA. He says, say Karen. She says Karen (sounds so cute). Than he says ok, say O, she'll say O, now say K, she'll say K. Now say OK, OH TAY! OMG HYSTERICAL! My parents said I was like that with funnies. My dad used to read us the comics every Sunday from the paper, we called it the funnies. I'd always call it the punnies. He would tell me, say fun, and I'd say fun, now say ees, and I'd say ees, now say funnies, PUNNIES! LOL!
You are so independent that everytime someone tries to help you with something, you stop them and say, "no, Mya do it."

I know there is so much that I'm forgetting but this is it for now.  I love you more than you'll ever know my little love. 
I hope you had a happy happy birthday.  We love you more than you'll ever know.  You have made these past 3 years an unbelieveably fun ride.  I can't wait to see what this year has in store for you.  Love you to the moon and back my little firecracker.  xoxo

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