Thursday, April 5, 2012

10 months old

HOLY MOLY, in 2 months my little miss gingersnap will be 1! REALLY? Seriously, I just don't understand how time goes by so fast. It seems like just yesterday I was home on maternity leave with my girls, enjoying every second with them. They are so much fun these days. I can tell already how super close they are going to be and how they will totally team up on Ry and I (YIKES). But I love watching them grow and interact. Ashley just loves Mya and always wants to be by her. Mya wants to carry Ashley and I think really enjoys telling her no, when she's doing something to bother her (like when we read books at night and all Ashley wants to do is crawl and sit on top of it, yea Mya's not a fan). But than there are times when Mya says, come with me Ashley, than gives her like a bird call and they're off to the toys. Melts my heart! I can't get enough of these girls and really feel so blessed that they are ours.
So, here is what Ashley is up to these days.
She's still in a size 4 diaper.
She's wearing size 12-18 month and 18-24 month clothes. She's in a size 4 shoe.
She enjoys eating table food, like would rather eat that than her baby food. Like almost annoying sometimes when we're eating dinner. She'll just reach for our plates and refuse her food. I think her favorite thing these days is graham crackers. I've been giving her the spoon when she's eating yogurt (cause she loves yogurt too) and she's great at getting it to her mouth. Not so much scooping the food out, but she's got time for that. She loves using a sippy cup for water and is great at it. Although sometimes she'll drink it and just let the water run all the way down her shirt, lol!
She still nurses when I'm around, as much as I say I want to stop, I love it and will most likely go to a year.
She gives kisses. It's so sweet when her and Mya kiss each other.
Has 2 bottom teeth and her top one is coming in too.
She's been sleeping through the night for the most part but for the past 2 nights she's woken up (that's another reason I think a tooth on top will soon be making their debut).
Still just cruising, no real steps yet. But has gotten brave a few times with letting go and just standing there. We cheer like mad and she gets all excited.
She says mama, dada and hot. This was one of Mya's first words too. Mary and Joe totally taught them this one. When they're holding their coffee cups, Ashley looks at it and says hot, sounds like HHAAAA (sometimes she'll make t sound at the end too). It's so cute though. I keep trying to teach her Mya.
She does the hand motions for the itsy bitsy spider too (sorta).
Last night Mya was saying no about something, Ashley started shaking her head no, it was hysterical!
She blew kisses a few weeks back, maybe it was my imagination, cause she hasn't done it since.
She loves to climb up onto Mya's bed when we're getting ready for bed, or in the morning. She loves to stand up on it too by the window and look outside.
And here are some pics of the happy little peach.

I know it's dark, it just cracks me up. Ry was shaking a pom pom over her head!


And those big smiles, I just can't take it.

Some pics of her using her spoon like a big girl.

Mama loves you gingersnap.

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