Saturday, November 26, 2011

boo boo on my boo boo

So we had Mya's 2nd visit to the ER last week. 1st time was when she was 9 months old and had an pneumonia. This time was a little different, she got bit by a dog. Long story short, Mya was at Mary's house, like every weekday. I get a call from Mary around 11am on Monday, Mary's crying and said Roxy bit Mya. I left work immediately and had no idea what to expect when I got there. When I got there I go upstairs into Mya's room (cause you know Mya's got a room there!) and Mya's sitting on Mary's lap with Mary crying but Mya not. Mary's got a washcloth on the bite and I'm a little out of it just worried too. Mya looks at me and says, what's wrong mommy? :( She's such a doll. Anyway, I take Mya and call her primary care dr in the car who tells me to just head to the ER. God, this always just freaks me out. Luckily, my mom works for RWJ, so I called her and picked her up since I knew Ry works an hour away and it'd take him a while to get there. We pick up my mom and head to the ER.
Here she is at the ER. She was such a happy little trooper.

Until of course they had to strap her down to stitch her. Makes sense why they had to, cause even being strapped down, she was still trying to move all around. The nurse looked at me at one point and said, wow, she's really strong! No kidding lady. She was passed out when the plastic surgeon came in so I was hoping she'd stay asleep for the whole thing, yea right! She was finally waking up when everything was all ready and I had to lay her down on the bed and they literally swaddled her, than strapped her into this thing. Kinda scary to watch and broke my heart but I knew it was for the best. The dr said I should probably leave, but I knew I couldn't, I wanted to make sure Mya saw me the whole time to let her know everything was ok. It took about 5 minutes and 3 stitches.
Tuesday night we took off the band aid and it looked great already!

And this was Wednesday night. Now it's just a scab and is healing so well! I'm glad we waited for the plastic surgeon at the ER. The nurse was there said, oh the dr's do a great job, but we wanted the plastic surgeon. With it being right on her face, we didn't want any scars.

There was some bruising but it wasn't as bad as we thought it'd be.

Mya's quite the tough girl. She's not even scared of dogs, which is good, I think she realizes that she can't go squeezing or pulling them anymore. We were at my parents the other night and she went up to Shadow (their cat), she usually tries to pull his tail or grab him but she didn't at all. She just went up to pet him.
Love ya boo...xoxo

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