Thursday, November 10, 2011

M&M day

So, yes, Mya is a big sister now (duh). Our transition was wonderful, she was a friggin doll to Ashley. There was no jealousy, no bad behavior, just everything was wonderful. Mya was loving being a big sister and Ashley loves to just watch everything Mya does. Mya never got jealous when I held or fed Ashley and just all in all everything was perfect. That is until a few weeks ago, when I guess Mya realized that Ashley is her little sister forever and ever and that she's not going anywhere! Mya has started getting clingy to me, she wants to sleep in our bed every night (and always finds her way there at some point), and just last week when Ashley was in my lap, she took her cheeks and squeezed the living crap out of them. To the point where Ashley started crying. I sent Mya to time out and told her she had to be nice and gentle with Ashley, she kicked me. Back to time out! I realized that this was her cry out for attention, that maybe she misses that Mommy and Mya time that she constantly got when it was just her. I do too, don't get me wrong, I LOVE my little ginger, but I miss being able to play with Mya alone. I realize now that giving them both alone time with us was crucial and had to start! I was telling a friend at work and she came up with the cutest friggin idea (thanks Camille!). She said to do an M&M day, Mommy and Mya! LOVE IT! I went home last week and told Mya all about it. Mya was so excited and everyday she would wake up and say M&M, no daddy, no Ashley! So I decided to take her to get her very first mani/pedi! We went Saturday morning, before Ashley's Baptism and it was so sweet! M&M day was a success and we will continue to have a weekly outing with just the 2 of us. Gotta let the little bean know that she is so special to mommy.
Here we are! She was so excited to pick out her color. She picked spearmint green for her toes! WOW, really? Whatever, she was so happy I didn't care if she picked orange. Thankfully she picked a pink for her nails.

cutie pie

onto the nails!

It was so cute and Mya was so still and good getting them done. She didn't even mess any nails up when she was drying. I however, only had time for a pedi cause I wasn't about to make the bean wait for me to get a mani too. Plus once she was done she kept saying, all done mommy? lol! I love it and I can't wait to do something special with her again.

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