Wednesday, November 24, 2010

the traveling zoo

Sunday was another fun filled day, after Ryan woke up from his much needed sleep! Our good friend Rachel and Will gave us tickets for the traveling zoo, which just so happened to be about 5 minutes away. Our neighbors were going too, so we just all went together! It was SO cute and inside so warm (but stinky!).

We got there and the goats were right as you walked in. Mya was looking, Jack was petting and Emma was trying to climb in with them!

They were loving the goat!

Than daddy got Mya some food so she could feed them and she was in heaven!

Regalo, is that you?

Next we saw a sheep? Is that a sheep? Who knows?


DUCK! One of the words she does say!
The biggest cow I've EVER seen!

Than Mya was screaming for the carousal. Like SO excited! It surprised us cause usually she gets on and grasps onto me for dear life, she was fine without me, until it started! But she was still not using the death grip that she usually uses! She's getting so big!

I look drunk but she looks cute!

Ok, so let the water works begin. This was the VERY FIRST ride that Mya went on ALL BY HERSELF! Yes, I was that mom on the side snapping pics as I was sobbing cause my little girl is growing up. Meanwhile she's waving profusely every time she passes, all smiles! She actually started crying when daddy went to take her off when it was over!


Leaning forward to steer!

so happy!

SO CUTE!!! Love this little bean!
Not happy cause the ride is over and it's time to get off.

Than we saw the elephant...

...she was mesmerized.
These monkeys were crazy looking.

But Mya loved them!

Than she starting frantically pointing to this ride. No one was on it at the time, there were like 3 kids waiting to ride it though, so we put her on! Yes people, this is her 2nd ride all by herself (*tear*).

It started going and was SO FAST. Ry and I looked at each other like, ummmm, should we have put her on this???? There wasn't really a seat belt but she was fine. She actually had bigger smiles than the train she was on before this! Little daredevil!

She was pulling the reigns on the horse and the bell too, she was in HEAVEN!

Where does the time go??? How did Mya get so grown up, so fast! Even this past weekend, we took her off the bottle for good. She no longer wanted to be rocked with it, she wanted to take it into the crib so we thought it was a good time to just put the milk in a cup. She was fine, me, not so much. Is everything going to be this hard to let go of? It's so fun to watch her grow up, learn new things, explore all there is to explore, but at the same time, I have a hard time letting go of my baby that would once just lay on my chest as I read her a book. Now I get through about 3 pages and she's up grabbing me another book. Bedtime is so different these days. It's not tub, book, bottle, crib. Now it's milk (in cup), tub, run around room to this toy (the ball popping one Lori, she absolutely still loves the thing, presses the button with her foot and runs around dancing, and makes us get up with her) this goes on for about 10 minutes, a few books, pj's (yes all the other stuff is pretty much done while she's in her birthday suit), than I rub her belly while she lays on the ground with her music on until she wants to get into her crib. I enjoy every bit of this routine every night and try my hardest not to take advantage of it. I LOVE YOU BEAN!!!!

1 comment:

Regan said...

awww! this made me so sad. gia already doesn't sleep on me anymore. they really grow up so fast!