Tuesday, November 23, 2010

falling behind...

ok, so life has been a bit busy and I'm falling behind. I have a ton of pics from this past weekend but I really want to get these ADORABLE pics up of Mya and Reese from last weekend at this amazing new park by Charity and Eric's house. When we pulled up and got Mya out of the car, her eyes got so wide! She started running!!!
Saying hello to eachother...

...going in for the hug!
so so sweet!

Auntie took Mya down the slide...

Than Reesie wanted to go down backwards!!! LOL!
There were so many cool things at this playground. This car being one of them and Mya was loving it! A car chick already?!?!

Meanwhile Eric was going in circles!
Mya wanted to get on this swing, they had normal ones there too, but no she wanted this one that she could barely see out of, NUT!

Back to the car.

Reese, come sit here!

And here she is!!!!

Too bad they both weren't looking at me.

cutie pies!

Reese rockin Mya.

Reese wanted to try the zip line!

They had so many cool things at this playground. Even under the jungle gyms there were toys!

Sorry honey, I think you're too small for the rock climbing wall!

Check out that static!

Mya and mommies turn!!!

My turn on the zip line!!!!
BACK to the car, she was obsessed and Ry was loving every second of it!

Than we went back to Char, Eric and Reese's for some dinner and to feed the baby dolls of course!

Reese wanted to put stickers on her Uncle Ry.

Ryan and Mya play this game, they stand against the door, count to 3 and run and scream down the hall. Mya wanted to teach Reesie and Eric too, so here they go!!!




And Ry usually scoops Mya up and flips her all around!!!
Playing without the daddies!
Gettin down on the piano.

We had so much fun, like we always do with you guys. LOVE YOU!

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