Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Part 1

I just wanted to start this post by showing you a side by side pic of the bean from last year and this year, WOW!!! She has grown so much!!!

Saturday Mya and I headed over to Char, Eric and Reese's house to celebrate Halloween. What a great time we had. The girls haven't been together in a while, every time we get them together it's amazing to see how much they've changed and grown. SLOW DOWN LADIES!!!!
Getting a pic of the 2 of them isn't as easy as it was last year, when they couldn't run all over the place. So bear with me here. Here are Pebbles and the Flower!
And look at them last year!!!!!
Reese has an adorable little table with 2 chairs that the girls were LOVING. They had their breakfast at it!

Mya was loving the bagel and sitting in her little chair.

Tea time!!!!

Now Mya's turn!


chowing down...

Mya being silly and drinking from the dolly's baba.

Dancin in the kitchen!!!!

Reese getting her full get up on!!!

While Mya waits for Marley to come back in. Mya was OBSESSED with Marley, poor dog probably needed to nap when we left!

pretty flower!


Lookin at eachother like WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU WEARING??
Yea, the bone has finally been discovered and is coming out!
Reese was starring at herself in the fridge, it was hysterical!
LOVE this face, haha, and look at Auntie hiding under the scarf!
Mya raided Reese's toys and was having a good ole time!

Making music on the crib.

KNOCK KNOCK, who's there????

Little monkey...
Playing peek-a-boo.

I SEE YOU!!!!!
The next Alicia Keys!

"....iii keep on falling, in and out, of love with you......" singing her heart out!!!! lol

Reese had the cutest little princess castle that Mya was loving. They were playing blocks (SO seriously) in there!

ok before we leave, we need one more tea time.

ok yay!

Reesie was feeding the bean grapes, now I know why she loves coming here!!!! LOL
Wild child

Auntie feeding her tea! mmmmmm

ok, Reese's turn to get some yummy grapes!


Kisses, bye bye!
We had such a great time with our great friends. Mya loves spending time with Reese and we love seeing them together. It's amazing to see how much they've grown up and they've done it together. It'll be so cute that when they get older, we'll be able to pull out pics of the 2 of them from when they were infants! xoxo

1 comment:

Regan said...

i am cracking up at the alicia keys comment, LOL.