Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Totally random tidbits for ya.
Not sure if you remember but 2 weeks ago I was saying how she never wants to hold our hand when she's walking around. Well just this past weekend when we were at the beach she started this new thing. She'll take my hand and take me to where ever she wants to go. It's REALLY so cute and i absolutely love that she does it!
She picks ALL of her scabs, this child is never going to heal cause she is constantly picking them! When we get in the car to go to Aunt Mary's every morning, she immediately starts picking at them. She bleeds, and still goes back for more. I wonder where she gets that from?? Ry and I both still pick our scabs, we're little kids I guess.
She's a climber!!!!! Lately she's been climbing anything and everything! From the stairs to the chairs to the gate that blocks the stairs. We are ALWAYS watching this girl cause if we don't, we won't know where she went!
We've been giving her these 2 bears every night and at nap time, pooks and rainbow are their names, to take with her so she can form some sort of security with them. Well lately she's been dissing them for clothes. That's right, she goes to her drawers and grabs as many articles of clothing as she can fit in her hands and takes them with her into her crib for bed! It's HYSTERICAL!!!! She's a fashionista already, I've taught her well!!!!!
Being that my aunt watches Mya, I get random picture and video texts through the day which is awesome!!!! Here she is yesterday, passed out on Aunt Mary on the couch. This NEVER happens, I cannot believe this, she must have been EXHAUSTED!!!!!
Here she is yesterday on the swing at the park!
Yesterday after work Ry and I took her to the pool since it was 500 degrees out! She was loving it!

Afterwards, she just wanted to play with rocks while sitting in the gutter, lovely!

Than she saw Aris and wanted a smooch.

Aris is getting shy on her!

So Mya pulls him in...


This morning at Aunt Marys house, Mya's been climbing into this little tykes crib she's got. SO FUNNY this little monkey!!!
And here she is this morning in Joey's room. Aunt Mary said they went in and she hopped right up into the bed with him!!!! TOO CUTE!!!

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