Monday, August 23, 2010

sick baby boo

My little bean is sick :( Last week one of the little neighborhood kids came walking over. The father looks at Ry and I and goes, be careful, she's sick, GREAT THANKS BUDDY, is really what I wanted to say. What does Mya do, she goes over and gives her a kiss! GREAT!!! We get inside and I immediately put Mya in the tub, neurotic, maybe, but I don't care, I don't' want my beanette getting some cold! 2 days later Mya gets to Mary's and was fine, Mary texted me around 10 that Mya's got a runny nose. That night (last Thursday) her nose was still stuffy and she was coughing a bit. I gave her tylenol and hoped for the best! Friday it was still runny, little cough. I called the Dr and they said, it's just a cold, keep humidifier going and keep her hydrated. I pick her up from Mary's and didn't even think of taking her to Gymboree. No she didn't have a fever but her cough and nose were enough to keep me home with her. PLUS, I thought it'd be fun to build a fort in the living room. Nothing crazy (like my dad used to do for us) but it's just a start. When I was little we'd ALWAYS build forts in the living room with blankets, the couch cushions, pillows, you name it, we used it! Here's a mini version that I did for Mya.

Sick little face!
Time for a little snack!
Yes honey, it's all over belly!!!

Friday night we stay in (not that we're all that crazy and go out like party animals anyway), PLUS, Ry was starting to feel under the weather. Saturday we woke up, Ry felt even worse than Friday (I let him sleep till 9, nice wifey I am!). Mya was ok, stuffy nose, coughing but no worse than yesterday. The only thing I always tend to worry about when she gets sick is an ear infection. Since she's had one before, I have to be careful when she does get colds since she's prone. We headed up to north Jersey to see a long time family friend of Ryan's after going back and forth about whether to go or not. We had a great time, even though in the end, we really should have just kept the beanette home to lay low. Sunday we wake up and Mya's worse than the day before (I called it!).

My poor little munchkin :(

To help her feel better we put on a little barney, oh mister sun sun, mister golden sun, please shine down on meeeee!!!!! What's better than barney and some scab picking?

Sick sad monkey :(
So Dr Dad calls for some tea!

Than we went to sit in the car, cause Mya LOVES the car (as long as she's not in her seat, haha). I took this pic with Ryan's phone! LOVE IT!!!

Than Dr Dad headed to the grocery store to pick up some stuff for dinner. I remember once telling Ry that whenever one of my brothers or I was sick, my dad would bring us home a present to help us feel better. When he got home from the store he walked in with this guy!

He even said, I remember you telling me that whenever you were sick, your dad would bring a present home for you. SO SWEET! Mya ABSOLUTELY LOVES THIS GUY (well guy turned girl, you'll see in a minute). She started pushing him around.

Kissing him
Hugging him

Carrying him around

We even put Spike's leash on him so she could walk him!

Once he didn't follow behind, she decided to push him along.


Trying a little harder this time!

Oh screw it, I'll just pick him up!!!!

She cuddled up with him.

She really loves this thing!

She even tried to feed him Lola and Spikes food.

But than I accessorized him, so now he's a girl or maybe a cross dresser??? Who knows??
I took her to the dr yesterday morning since she was tugging at her ear and she had a 101 fever and had fluid in her ear. They put her on antibiotics, so hopefully she's feeling 100% by Thursday! We're heading to the beach tomorrow night for the weekend and I want her to be 100% for our first little family vaca! This is definitely a call out to me though to trust myself and know that if Mya's not feeling well, don't push anything, no matter what, it's just not worth it!


Kelly Osmond said...

What a sweet husband you have. How cute of him to get Mya something just like your dad did! He's the best! Hope Mya is feeling better. She is so cute even when she's sick.

Anonymous said...

> Written Months Ago <
If What They Say Is Really True
Then Everyone Pray Together
To God To Bless Poor Baby Boo
And Please Help Her To Weather
Another Storm Now In Her Life
And Tho Her Light A Blured
Please Heal Her In His Time Of Strife
And Bring Good Health To Her

Anonymous said...

If What They Say Is Really True
Then Everyone Pray Together
To God To Bless Poor Baby Boo
And Please Help Her To Weather
Another Storm Now In Her Life
And Tho Her Light A Blured
Please Heal Her In His Time Of Strife
And Bring Good Health To Her