Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Vacation Day 1

Oh vacation, how I miss you!!!!! We got back from Bethany Beach, DE Sunday afternoon. What a perfect few days we had there, the weather couldn't have been any better! It was Mya's very first vacation and I think she had a great time too!!!! My aunt has a beach house there and let us use it, THANKS SO MUCH AUNT ANNE!!! We left Wednesday night and were beach bound!!! We decided to drive while Mya was sleeping just to make it a bit easier. She slept the whole ride and when we got there, I waited in the car with her while Ry set up her pack and play. She transferred perfectly (like she always does) and vaca began!!!!! I decided that since I took nearly 1500 pics (yup, 1500 pics in 4 days!!!! YIKES) i'd break this into 4 separate posts.
Here are my 2 favorites on Thursday morning.

Now if only I could photoshop Ry's face from the first pic onto this pic!!!

Belly tickles!!!!

Mya found these coasters as we were making breakfast (ok, Ryan was making breakfast, I was straightening up) and was playing with them till we left for the beach. She loves to stack.
Carried them with her everywhere.
Ry enjoying his morning java.

Mya's quite the artist, she must get that from her dad cause I can barely draw a stick figure.
MMMMMMM, good ole H2O
My cousin, Amanda, loves monkies. Her bedroom there was filled with monkies, Mya got a kick out of them! I had to put this guy onto the floor for Mya to get a closer look.

I told her to tickel his toes!!!!! hahahaha

Off to the beach!!! We got there and daddy dug a hole for the beanette.

Checking it out.
He decided to put her in.

But she crawled out pretty fast.
The water was so refreshing and there was a little wave pool when the tide went out, it was PERFECT!!! We set up fort right at the water!!!!!

And Mya had a BLAST in the water!!!!

Wasn't entirely herself the first 2 days from being sick. You can see the buggers running down her face here. But that didn't stop this child from having a blast!!!

We went back for her nap and watered the yard. Mya LOVES helping out when we use the hose!!!

Just woke up from a nap, check out the hair!!!
She got lots of belly tickles from her daddy.
He was biting her toes too!!!!!

We headed to Dewey Beach (YEAAA DEWEY!!!!) for dinner. My good friend Regan lived there years ago for the summer so she told us to head to the Rusty Rudder, it was yummy!!!

dinner time!!!!!! Pasta for Mya although she ate about 5 pieces than wanted all of mine!
Big girl wanted to sit in the big girl chair and not the high chair, so we let her. I can't believe how big she's getting (tear)!

Thanks for dinner daddy!!!

Time for her meds, she's SO good about taking them!!!!

Silly girl!!! It was a beautiful night, so we hung in the front for a bit.

Ice pops all around to end day 1!!!!!!!
It's so different going on vaca and being inside by 8pm!!! Nothing wrong with it cause it was nice just sitting on the front porch with our mudslides (cause that's our signature vacation drink) and chatting. The best part was that there was no cable, there were movies, but no tv! We played cards, drank and talked alot, it was so nice!!!! I couldn't ask for a better family, I can't even explain how in love I am with my wonderful husband, he is my rock. And I mean, if you don't realize how much I adore our baby girl, you're obviously blind!!!!
Ok enough mushy stuff, day one down, 3 to go!!!!

Happy Birthday Granny!!!!

Granny turned 81 last Thursday. Since we were going away (and so was Aunt Mary, Uncle Joe and Mags), they had cake for her on Wednesday night. Here's Mya petting Roxy and Granny watching.
MMMMMMM funfetti cake!!!!

Make a wish!!!

Mya coloring all over Maggie's book. Poor Mags, nothing is safe cuz!!!
Time to take her baba, than we're off for vaca!!!!!! Cool girl wanted to sit on the coffee table!
A little jumping before we leave...

...and some dancing too!!!!!

LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mya wanted to drive.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Party in Boonton

Saturday we headed up to North Jersey to visit with a long time family friend of Ryan's. Ryan grew up hanging out with Matt and Randy, Randy even came to our wedding!!! But we didn't really get to hang out with him too much at the wedding cause it was a BUSY day obviously! We had made these plans weeks ago to go up and see them, so Ryan was very excited to catch up with them and I was excited to introduce Mya to them and to see them too!
Mya may have been sick but we all know that doesn't stop her! She got there and tried to jump in the pool, fully clothed. So I had to put her suit on and let her in for a bit. She went for the diving board, Tom informed us that we have nothing to worry about, he was a life guard for years, at the beach, so we felt very safe!!! And well, Mya always does!!!!

Nap time yet???? I know you love the booty in air pose!!! I SURE DO!

Mya with Randy's girlfriend, Lindsey

Mya throwing pine cones into the pool. Tom was fetching them out with his toes!
Next was Aunt Tabi's turn to stick her piggies in with the bean.

Mya LOVED the pup, does this surprise you????

Meanwhile, he was just trying to get close to the food in Mya's hand!!! smart dog!!

I think he really wants a bite of her food.

Randy and Mya
Mya playing with Aunt Tabi's tongue ring.

Time to dive in!!!!

They had an awesome set up back there!!!!!

Janice and Diane

The guys, Michael, Matt, Randy and Ry
The bean drinking from her cup backwards??

GOOD GIRL, put it back in!!!!!


Angie (Matt's wife), Lindsey and Jon

Kiss my boo boo

Group shot!!

Nice Ry....ummm, do you see Mya's booty!!! MY GOD, watch out Kim K!!!!

We were trying to take a family shot and Michael refused to get outta the pic, hence me trying to block him out with my foot and Ry holding him down with his arm.