Monday, December 15, 2014


Thanksgiving, seriously one of my favorite holiday's of all!  Getting together with family to enjoy a meal and wine and laughs and not having to worry about the gifts that come along with Christmas.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Christmas and gift giving, but it's nice to not have to worry about that stuff.  We had a full day planned which was fun. 
Off we go....
 We started out at breakfast at Nunu and Pop Pop's house.  Lots of smiles with Uncle Michael and Auntie Laura, they are a favorite in our house for sure!
I tried to get the 4 of them.
Where they get some of their height from!  
 Laura did a fishtail braid to Mya's hair, LOVE!
 Next stop, Mary and Joe's for dinner. 
love her
love these 2
all ready to eat!  MMMMMM
my crazy man
my fam a lam, my life
LOL.  I don't know what's funnier, Ashley's face or Ryan about to crack down on her...
These 2, love....
cousin love
Off to the 3rd and final stop at Jen and Jacks! 
Gigi photo bombing in the back has me dying!!!!!
Mimi and her god daughter, Gracie.
I wish I could fit the file that has the girls video they made that night.  Grace and Mary Kate have been making these music video's and it's seriously the cutest and funniest thing EVER!  On Thanksgiving night, the girls all made one together for the song, all about that base.  It's FREAKING HYSTERICAL!  I need to find a way to get it on here!

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