Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Memorial Day weekend....

Memorial day weekend, my god, so long ago!  I am SO behind.  Anyway, it was amazing, perfect weather, perfect beach days, perfect company, just all around couldn't have asked for a more perfect memorial day weekend.  We kicked it off Saturday with a little pool action.  It just opened and I think we were the only ones that got that memo. 
 We hit the beach on Sunday, as our typical weekends look these summer months.  Our girls were in all of their glory back on the beach.
A little pool for Ash.
While Mya strikes a pose, as usual.
The water was frigid, but that didn't stop the girls from going in.  Luckily Ry and Dewey went in with them.
loving life!
Summer time, my favorite time....and my favorite guy.
NO FEAR in Mya.  I love it but it's also kinda scary in the ocean.
And as Mya loves to swim and be in the water, Ash likes to be transformed into a mermaid.
Love this little girl.
Memorial day was the nicest day of the weekend.  We had to get back down to Asbury.  We got there and I got a text from Regan saying they were coming too, AWESOME!!!!  The more people there, the better.  I love spending time with friends and family on the beach with the sun shining.
My sand castle building beauty.
The Scicutella crew has arrived and fries are being enjoyed by all the kiddies.
I just cannot take this adorable face.
covered in sand and as happy as ever!
best buds.
The kids were really loving the water.

Someone stole mommy's hat.
We had a great weekend!!!!  It was the perfect way to kick off summer. 

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