Wednesday, July 2, 2014

May iphone pics

June is over and I'm just getting to May, OY!  Anyway, it was fun, as usual.  I need to get back into my blogging swing of things...
Little play party with some fun stuff from a coworker who was cleaning out her daughters old stuff.  The girls were IN LOVE! 
Lots of beautiful days = park time!
Ash is getting so big and independent at the park.  She climbs this all by herself now!  Where are my little girls going?
Party prep in full swing!
Ry sent this gem to me, lol
Got this gem from Shell one day as she babysat the girls.  THANKS AGAIN SISTA!
Ava must have tired her out.
New bathing suit fashion show....Thanks Leonhardts!
Just hangin on daddy.
Rafferty's date night with my fam-a-lam.  Ash passed out on the way there.
YAY, she woke up.
Thomas sweets after, OF COURSE!  Don't you love Ash in her Cinderella dress?!  Thanks Osmond crew!  xoxo
A little photo op at school one day.
Playdate with the Budesheim's.  WOW, check out all those cuties.
Playing in the girls room.
Hand stands for life.
You know, just pretending they're riding waves.
Lots of time with Jojo at Mary's lately.  Super cute bonding moments.
I can't even begin to post all of the cuddling pics that I've snapped of these 2.  I LOVE the love they share.
LOL, true story.
towel head twins
School time fun.
Playing dress up in Maggie's old clothes.
She kills me when she sits like a grown up.  Feet up, crossed legs, making bracelets.
Swim lessons, for Mya at least.
My mom took this gem before the girls first lessons.
Best buds
I can't deal with Ash in this hat.
All tired out.

Park fun

Our first trip to a fro-yo, SLAMMIN!
Selfies with daddy.
I can't believe she held this little guy.
Fun little girls night at Jen and Jack's (minus Jen and Jack who were in Cali, Mimi was there watching the girls!)
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!
Cousin love
Alexis sent me this one.  Love my little beauty.
Chillin with Mags in the car.
This girl kills me sometimes.  Can be so content playing all by herself sometimes.
I can't
Chillin in Jojo's tent.

She built the lego set Nona and Dewey got her for her Pre-K graduation.
My kids take selfies all the time....

Throwback of one of my favorites with my 2 girls.
Less than a week (5 days to be exact) before I had Ash.
The girls LOVE when Alexis does their hair.  She sent me these pics one day.
A little incident at Mary's with a beach ball and Mya's eye.  Resulted in a scratched cornea.  I had no clue how fast the healing time was.  We went to the dr and they had me put a cream on it one night, the next day it was all clear! 
At the Dr waiting to get re-checked.  I can't take how big and amazing her eyes are.
As I took this pic, the dr said, you should have taken the pic yesterday when we actually saw the scratch on it.  It was crazy.
Green tongue from the dye on her eye.  Crazy.
Crazy eyes, lol
Ice cream to reward a happy dr trip.
Took a little walk around College Ave after ice cream.  The hand holding killed me.  I can't take the love.
 1 - 2 - 3 JUMP!
 Collecting rocks.
 my little
2 peas in a pod, these 2. 
 Alexis sent this to me, she said she was being a mermaid, lol!!!!
 This guy!  LOVE him!
 Ash opening her barbie quad from the Duprees!  THANKS GUYS!
 Love you guys so much.
 Showing off her coach bag from Angela!  THANKS!!!
 Mya isn't in school with Willie but the camp offers it to the 3 and 4 year old classes together.  So they were in it together.  After her Kindergarten orientation (which was awful), I took her to camp.  I got to peek in on her and Willie playing together. SO CUTE!

 Cause it's completely normal to wear your undies backwards, right?!
 Snuggle moments
 Pizza date with my crew.

 The first beach day that Pete, Shell and Ava came to was so cold.  We had so many people there that day too, still fun as always, just chilly. 
 Pete and my dad went in the water still too, NUTS!
Here's to many more beach days and sunny skies this summer!!!!

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