Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Family fun day....NY

The day after Christmas both Ry and I took off from work.  We were so excited to be able to spend the entire day with the girls.  It gets so crazy around the holidays with going to different houses, parties, that sometimes having a day of just the 4 of us is so refreshing and fun.  We started the day by getting outside onto the scooters the girls just got.  I literally took 2 pics before my phone shut off.  We were outside for quite sometime and Mya and Ash too were getting really good on their scooters.
Mya was even picking her foot up onto the scooter which had me dying.  Sometimes, JUST SOMETIMES, this kid has good balance, and this day was working in her favor! 
I had been DYING to get into the city with the girls for our annual trip to see the tree and St Patricks Cathedral.  Last year we went in broad daylight which was lame cause you didn't get the feel of it all.  So this year I asked Ry a few times and he shot me down, but this must have been a good day!  Or he was just sick of hearing me ask.  We also always drive in, but when Ry and I were talking about our options, we were saying them in front of the girls, when they heard train, they JUMPED and begged to take the train.  Then we decided to just take the single stroller and go from there.  The girls were BEYOND thrilled to take the train in! 
I can't take this girl.
On the choo-choo with their hot cocoas.
They were LOVING it!
Mya and daddy
My Li and me
They pulled out the ipad in no time and sat side by side to play some games.
So I got to cuddle up next to this stud.
Playing so nicely.
Until Ash wanted to sit next to daddy.  He started squishing her, who knew this was how we could get her to smile for the camera?!!!
Her smiles are KILLING ME!
We made it to the city.  We didn't really have a plan of action, so I thought we could walk up to Times Square.  The girls were in awe of all the lights and the tall buildings.  Coming up out from Penn Station is awesome for the kids to see.  Once we got through the first block, Mya said she was hungry so we decided we were going to eat first.  Since there is SO much to chose from, I thought we could go to this little place by my work.  AND, it's got a ton of different beers, which I knew Ry would love.  So, we headed to The Ginger Man.  Stopping to get the ray of light coming from Times Square.
We get to the Ginger Man and they tell us that they don't allow kids past 6, BOO!!!!  It was 6:30 at that point.  So we just went to this other pub place right down the street that I've also been at before and knew the food was good. 
After dinner, we decided to just walk up to Rockefeller Center instead of taking a subway or cab.  It wasn't going to be too far and there was so much excitement on the streets that the girls were loving it.  Plus, Mya walked a few blocks and we were pushing Ash so it wasn't too bad.  Then just like that Mya got tired and wanted a piggy back ride from daddy.  He, of course, didn't mind at all!  Anything for his little girls.
Walking around the corner to the tree is truly magical.  The sight of the HUGE tree is just amazing.  We actually watched it get lit, on TV of course, the day it was lit on December 4th at 8pm.  The girls counted down at home and all, it was cute.  So the girls were really super excited to see the tree in person.
I was saying to Ry, you know I'm gonna have to get someone to take our picture in front of it, right?  He thought I lost my mind.  He said, that person is going to take our camera and run off.  OH PLEASE, you gotta find the right person.  And not even 2 seconds later a little lady was oohing and ahhing over Mya and Ash.  So, I of course asked her if she'd mind taking a pic of us.  She looked at me and said, "Oh you asked the right person, hold on my son is a photographer!" SCORE!  He took a ton of pics too, all the same pose and spot, but he did good!
Close up.
And of course, Saks always does an amazing job on the side of their building.  I wish I taped the cute little thing.
Watching the cute show.
With the tree in the distance, onto see St Patricks.
Lighting a candle for all our loved ones who we've lost.
Ash did too.
And had to blow our the match herself, of course!
When we were leaving we decided to hail a cab since the train was kinda close.  We didn't want to have to wait another 35 minutes for the next one at 9:10. 
The cab was literally in the middle of the street at a red light.  So I saw there was no one in it and ran over.  SCORE, we can have it.  I literally scooted Mya in and she looked at me like, WHAT?  No car seat, no seat belt?  I said, first time for everything boo, now hold on!  Put Mya on my lap, Ash went on Ryan's and off the cabbie sped!  Had to get this pic of Mya looking out the window and checking out everything.
So, we are in the cab and, of course, there is traffic.  I say to Ry, you know we're gonna have to boogie when we get there.  I'll grab Ash and have Mya's hand, you grab the stroller and we'll make it.  So we get off the cab and we are literally running into Penn station.  It was SO cute cause Mya was in between Ry and I and started singing, "Run Run Rudolph....." from Home Alone when they're trying to make the plane.  We started DYING.  So she kept singing.  We literally made it by the skin of our teeth.  What a fun fun family day.  Feeling so blessed.

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