Tuesday, March 6, 2012

random pics...

Just trying to get updated. Here are some random pics from the past 2 weeks with the girls...
Weather was kinda nice so we headed out side to get some energy out. And check out Ry lookin all good! He's growing his hair out. I love it! Wanted to get some new pics of Ry with his girls. When I finally said, ok Daddy with Mya and Ashley, Mya took off, go figure!

I love her little faces.

Daddy and his mini me! LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS ONE!

And off she went.

Michael came by later that night. He's growing his beard out. It's funny, Ry and Michael are looking so different to me these days cause Ry has hair and Michael has a beard. I mean really, if Ashley's hair color isn't the EXACT color of Ry and Michael's facial hair, I don't know what is?!

And guess who got a tooth!!!!!

Ry taught Mya to write mom. Mary taught her to write Titi also!

Random day when Mya picked out a too small shirt (this happens more than it doesn't). I really need to go through their clothes and pack up the too small stuff so this doesn't happen again!

Ashley loves these little puff chips.


Mya loves em too!

And this is what happens when Mya has her way with daddy and her stickers! LOL!


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