Saturday, March 10, 2012

9 months old

Wow, time is just flying by. In just 3 short months we'll be celebrating Ashley's 1st birthday. Where has this year gone?? I can't even believe it. She's growing so much and changing every day. She's constantly doing more and amazing me at all her new things she's learning. We did have a 9 month check up so here are her stats:
20 lbs 4 ozs (50-75%)
29 1/4 inches (95%)
She's wearing size 4 diapers still.
She's wearing size 12-18 month clothes, I've even put her in 18-24 in a few things! The 6-12 are pretty much done, unless she wants to rock a belly shirt.
She's in a size 4 shoe!!! WOW, I couldn't believe it. I pulled out Mya's old mouse robeez and put them on her when we went outside and they fit!
She LOVES food and we've just started giving her chicken too. We baked it than pureed it. She liked it. We also gave her pastina, carrots (just cooked on the stove and with some cinnamon), yogurt, cheerios (LOVESSS her some cheerios), yogurt meltaways (Mary told me about these gems that Mya picked out at the store and Ashley loves them), very ripe pears (I just cut them up and she'll eat them), she really likes the texture of table food and is great at picking all her food up and eating it. She'll still eat her food but I want to get her used to using a spoon and fork and can't do that as easily with her baby food. She also uses a sippy cup for water and is great at it. But she honestly loves when I give her the regular water bottle. I'll hold it and help her drink it and she loves that. Stop trying to grow up so fast ging!
She still nurses when I'm around. I've gotten more things while nursing this girl too. My milk ducts clog all the time, I've had a yeast infection in my breast and I just got antibiotics for mastitis! But whatever right?!
She claps all the time.
She waves hi.
She does, how big is Ashley, SOOO BIG and raises her arms up as high in the air as possible!
LOVES to play peek-a-boo. Cutest when she uses a blanket, shirt or anything to do it herself.
High fives
Has 2 bottom teeth, FINALLY!
She's been sleeping through the night for the past 6 nights. We took her to her 9 month check up on March 2nd and the dr said she's fine and we should just let her cry it out. We did, it lasted a week with her waking up. Ryan helped me fight going in there to get her. I did go in one night but that was it! Last Friday, she magically slept through the night and it was AMAZING!!!! I am hoping that this is how it is from now on.
She's not a fan of being put in her exersaucer or walker these days. Would much rather wander around by herself. Cruising on anything or crawling at the speed of lightning! Sometimes so fast that she throws herself forward and face plants on the ground.
She loves the stairs and we usually stay behind her when we're going up for tubby time so she can climb them.
She's still, very much a daddy's little girl. When he holds her, she'll put her head down on his shoulder, it's the sweetest.
Now that it's nicer out she loves to ride in Mya's toy car, Mya loves to push her in it too. She laughs and jumps up and down (post coming on that soon).
And here are some 9 month pics.

Gotta love a good, chunky thigh!

Cruising by the books

That friggin tongue is always hangin out.



Yes, she enjoys eating tissues too, UGH!

Her faces just crack me up! Love you peachy!

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