Thursday, March 15, 2012

mobile madness

Just some pics that I uploaded from my phone. Sometimes I really wish my camera was attached to my hip, lol!
This is from a few weeks ago when the weather was starting to warm up. Now the crazy weather (which I'm loving by the way) has been much warmer and I'm loving spending every minute outside after work and on the weekends.
Here are the girls playing outside one day after work.

big girl

and seriously, how big is she getting?!

another day another silly pic.

and Mya had to get one too.

big girl sitting at the big girl table.

Her first ride in the front of the cart and she loved every second of it!

Playing in the tennis courts with the other kids after work is like putting them in a giant play pen. We even bought over Ashley's walker so she could stroll around in there too.

One morning when the girls woke up, I took Ashley out of her crib and put her in Mya's bed so they could look outside.

Sleeping like an angel on a walk Nona and Dewey took Ashley on when the rest of us were at the circus.

We go to Nunu and Pop Pop's every Wednesday for dinner. With last Wednesday's weather being so beautiful, Mya got to bounce in the bounce house for a bit.

Ashley liked it too!

Mary sent me this pic from Target last week. She's getting ready for the summer!

Mary sent me this one too. Mary and Joe took the girls to Johnson park to see the animals and play. Ashley's first time on the swings! LOVING IT!

This is just so funny. She watches the Backyardigans. There's this episode, Surf's Up, where they are obviously surfing. There's a part in it where say, while riding a wave, "surf's up, ho daddy." Mya does it all the time and it's hysterical!

Mya pushing Ashley on her car. Ashley loves this thing!

Ashley in the bounce house.

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