Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy heart day...

I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day. Ours was wonderful, Ryan and I both were home with our girls so what more could you ask for?! Although Ashley was a little under the weather, we had a wonderful day.
We started with presents first thing in the morning. I was surprised Mya put this outfit on, sometimes when I get her to match with Ashley she's all about it. I gave her 2 options (Mimi, your outfit is next!) and this is the one she chose for them. That's how I have to try and work it, lol!

Stellar mom kept the present in the bag, she didn't care. We got her a toll box set. She loves it and plays with the hammer all the time, lol.

Next came breakfast. Love day egg in a holes coming right up, yum!

By far, one of my favorite pics! LOVE THESE 2!!!! Took this with my phone.

I love when she sits like this.

Climbing all over these days.

A few other funny outtakes. Fake smile Bea

I love how Mya's hand is down her skirt and she's giving Ash that look.

Whatever ma.

This kid forever loses a sock.

We headed up to Paramus to the Children's Museum. Mya loved it. We thought it'd be a little different but none the less it was still cute. Ashley had been find up until we got there than she immediately got hot.
Mya loved the choo choos. You could press these buttons and it would blow the horn, raise the barrier and all sorts of other stuff, cute.

Moving onto the work area. How the heck do I do this? Leave it to the men my love.

We had to get on this thing. Just like daddy. Well not really cause he never uses this but a construction type thing.

This was Mya's favorite thing, that we went back to a few times. It was really cool too. An old school fire truck. Daddy and Ashley were testing it out first.

After I wiped down this hat (GROSS I know, so not a fan of putting play hats on their heads, don't know who's had it on. UGH so here I am wiping it down before she puts it on.) she loved wearing it and the vest.

Trying to press the pedal.

trying to get a shot of the girls. I mean really, look at Ashley, so not herself.

Get me the F off! Poor thing. After this Ry took her to the car. Just with all the kids there (although there really weren't like any since it was a Tuesday) but still. Just too many germs in the air to keep the sick little one around. She'd started to feel warm when we got there so Ry took her to the car and played with her. Made me feel so much better to get her out of that germ infested museum!


Dentist chair, too bad she's not this happy at the real dentist.

Free ride on pony, love it! She was just eh about it.

She LOVES to play kitchen, so she was so happy to see this there and we spent lots of time here and in the grocery store.

She was Patty, the check out lady. It's so funny, when we play a game (doctor, nails, hair, store, stuff like that), whenever I say, so what's your name miss? She says Patty! Not sure why, or how she even got that name, but it's hysterical!

Before we left, she wanted to try and push the fire truck. WACKO!

Ma, I think it's too heavy!

Kisses from daddy before she gets back into her car seat to go home.

a few videos from the day, starting with Mya testing out her hammer from the tool set!

Fire truck fun

Not too thrilled on the pony, lol

I hope everyone had a special Valentine's Day like us. I couldn't ask for a better Valentine myself. And lucky Ry has 3 Valentine's now. I'm ok with sharing him with Mya and Ashley :) I can still remember when I hated Valentine's day, now I friggin love it. Love you all so much and am so blessed to be living this life.

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