Tuesday, February 21, 2012

a few random Mya things...

All these monthly Ashley updates I realize I need to give you guys a little Mya update before her (tear) 3rd birthday. I can't believe she's almost 3. It's amazing how much she's grown from her 2nd birthday, but I'll save that for her 3 year post. Anyway, I just wanted to jot down a few funny sayings she's said and some one liners that literally have Ry and I pissing our pants. This kid is talking up a storm, doesn't really stop to be quite honest. I LOVE it! She is constantly making me crack up with her little voice, I need to record her more.
So here are a few things you should know about Mya....
She knows her ABC's
She can count to 20
She can get herself fully dressed and undressed, doesn't even want my help. She's so independent when it comes to clothes, my little fashion diva. I LOVE IT!
She pees on the potty on the regular and has for months now. She's randomly been pooping in the potty too. Not all the time, but an improvement and I'm happy about that! She doesn't wear a diaper for her nap and sometimes wants to go to bed without a diaper too. We let her rock with it, but when she comes into our room (which happens every night) we make her put a diaper on. It's not always wet in the morning but it does happen.
She is a super duper big sister, helps out like you wouldn't believe and loves to help, most of the time. She loves to help change diapers and to wash her too, it's cute.
Her favorite song is moves like jagger and breaks it down when it comes on, like jersey turnpike breaks it down.
Dance parties are a good time at our house. Mya really breaks it down.
She can sing most of the songs from Beauty and the Beast, so friggin cute.
Some of the things I love when she says...
I'm the beany, Ash the gingy
weggings = leggings
What the heck?
Lets rock and roll sister (hysterical!)
She calls Ashley chunker who ha. It's funny as hell.
Whenever she's talking on her play phone right before she hangs up, she always says, I love you, than slams the phone shut.
We go to church every Sunday and she does the sign of the cross now and always says, Amen. Actually kinda funny if you ask her what you do at church, she says, stand up, sit down. lol She's really great in church though, and loves to see Nona on the alter. Another funny church thing is, of course when it's quiet, she'll look at me, Ry or anyone next to her and say, all done?
Some really funny things shes said...
After a tubby one night, Ry was holding her. She looked at him (with his undershirt on) and said, "Daddy, when Mya older, tattoo here (pointing to her back) and here (pointing to her side), lion and tiger." Needless to say, I'm pretty sure she'll be all tatted up once she's legal. GREAT!
We were at brunch for Alexis' birthday and the waiter came over asking if there was anything we needed. Mya's response, "ah ah a peeping (sleeping) bag....next year." Had everyone cracking up.
Ry asked her to pick up her play cookies and cupcakes one night. Her response "I can't my arms broken." We can thank mags for that one!
She's got this fake language, it sounds like Chinese or something. She just breaks it out so randomly too. Pyom chow is one of the words, she's a NUT!
I love when I'm getting ready for work or leaving to go to work or to go anywhere for that matter and she looks at me and says, "please don't go mommy." Such a sweetie.
My absolute favorite thing that she says though is when she says, mommy (or whoever she's saying it to), I love you sooooo much! MELTS MY HEART! God, I love that little bean.
Here are just 2 random pics. I had to post this top one cause her friggin eyes look HUGE!

And her little smile just lights up my heart.

Oh and Ryan taught her to write Mom! LOVES!!!

And a video from one night when we put Ashley to bed and let Mya stay up a little later. We made popcorn and I was throwing it into my mouth. Than Mya tried..

I know there is so much I'm forgetting but these are the ones that come to mind right off the bat. We are so lucky with this little firecracker. Man I really love the hell outta her and watching her grow into this sassy little girl is a thrill! She makes everyday an adventure.
Love you my little beany and I'm loving this journey...xoxo

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