Monday, February 6, 2012

Christmas on the drive

So we had Christmas with our neighbors in late January. We kept having to reschedule in December and early January because of sick babies and things that popped up. So, here's a few pics of our little get together. It was fun having 2 extra kids this year. They had a good time too. I really can't wait till it warms up outside so they can all hang out more often.
Here's Ashley and Sarah, both 8 months old!

looks like she's doing mountain climbers, lol

Mya and Emma playing doctor.

Oh yes, Mya is in a new outfit. The kid changed 2 times while they were there. wacko

Trying to get a shot of all the kiddos.

awwwww, the chocolate on Jack's face is too funny!

Good times neighbors (and old neighbors :)). Thanks for the gifts for our girls and thanks for coming. xoxo

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