Monday, September 26, 2011

Last trip to the beach in 2011

Ry took a day off 2 weeks ago. We decided to head down to Pt Pleasant boardwalk to go on the rides. It was so nice out and we wanted to get one more trip to the shore for the year. Well we got there and the rides were freakin closed! UGH, since it was after Labor Day, they only run them on the weekends. We hit the arcades and walked the boardwalk instead and still had tons of fun.
Walking up to the boardwalk, love this.

in we go

Sucking on her thumb. Is this Ry or what???!!

Playing the mini skee ball and Ry helped her out a little. My dad always said, "if ya can't beat em, cheat em!"

Here she goes.

Time for the big skee ball, Mya was just obsessed with collecting the tickets, she didn't even want to play.

Time for a little air hockey.

girls won!!

Mya wanted to play this game so bad, really kid? This is the game where all you do is put a quarter in and aim it to the circle, than get tickets. But whatever, we let her play.

Ry pulled the stool over for her, she was loving it.

Daddy won her a lollipop.

She wanted to play this game, stinky feet.

Her winnings, 2 bracelets and bubbles, that literally blew out 1 bubble at a time.

Daddy blowing bubbles for her to run after and pop!

are those my feet?

ahhhh, I love the beach. So sad we didn't get there more this year.

Someone offered to take our pic, yay!

Chasing after the birds, one of her favorite things to do.

Daddy always likes to make her laugh.

Me and my girls..

oh she was in heaven, daddy got her an ice cream cone with sprinkles. YUM!

and the mess begins..

the 2 gingers, look at his facial hair, EXACT match to Ashley's strawberry blonde locks, LOVE!

love this little cinnamon stick

We got home and I had to post this cause look how good she's sitting in her bumbo now! She's getting so friggin big I can't even take her.

Mya playing in her tin of sand.

Ashley loves her playmat and really loves this ball that was Mya's.

Mya loves to join Ashley on the mat, I love seeing the 2 of them interact. Ashley could watch Mya all day and Mya's so gentle and sweet with her. MELTS MY HEART!

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