Friday, September 16, 2011


Do you remember where you were 10 years ago on 9/11?
I was in my sophomore year of college, at East Carolina University and was on the elevator going to class with my roomie, Kim. We were on the elevator and our professor was on the elevator with us, along with some other students. The professor told us all that a plane had hit one of the towers. I remember thinking that it wasn't real. I didn't really believe it. I sat through class not thinking it was really true. When I got back to my room, I called my mom and she told me to put the news on cause it was true and the other tower was hit as well. As I turned the TV on all I could think was this is not really happening. I saw as both of the towers collapsed. It was so sad and unbelievable. Who would do this? Why would they do this? I really don't get all this hate, hate so bad that you would do this to all of these innocent people. One of my friends was in the building across from the towers when this happened. He worked there and saw everything happen first hand. After it happened his brother joined the Army and was in the Airborne Division. He was over in Afghanistan in March 2008 and was killed by an IED on March 3rd, about a month before he was supposed to come home from his deployment. Such a sad sad day and something that we will never forget. This past 9/11, Ry and I ran in a 5K to honor him and all of the fallen soldiers at Rutgers University. It was the Hope for the Warriors Run. It felt good running for a soldier that I knew, that helped protect us, who was younger than me and was killed for our freedom. I cannot believe that 10 years after the attacks from 9/11 we are still at war. When will this end? When will innocent people be able to come home to be with their families? So many of our soldiers are young kids, it's crazy to think that they are the ones fighting for us. Makes me feel so little and like what I do means nothing. I do and will continue to pray for all of the families who have lost a loved one in 9/11 or in the war that we are still fighting in.
Here is a video of Ry and I finishing the race, we ran together, which is the first time we've ever run together in a race (or really at all without the stroller). I kept up with him!!! I know that he slowed his pace down a bit and I picked mine up too. It was the fastest I've ever run, finishing in 26:37 (8:24 minute mile)! It felt so good to run with some military, some of them ran with all of their gear too, I would have fallen over!
Thank you to all of the soldiers. I will never forget 9/11, where I was and how I found out. It will be a day that I will always remember.

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