Thursday, September 8, 2011

3 months old

3 months old already, holy crap! I can't believe (I'm sure I'll be saying this EVERY SINGLE MONTH) that my little pumpkin pie is 3 months old already. You're getting SO big and growing so much, you're a little person now!
You're in 3-6 month clothes, some of your tops are 6-12 months, you are LONG!
You're still in size 1 diapers.
You're still drooling like crazy but no signs of teeth just yet.
You laugh so much, especially when I'm kissing on your neck or when Daddy tickles your belly.
You smile all the time, it freakin lights up my day!
You STARE at Mya and watch everything she does. You smile at her all the time too, it's so sweet! You love your big sissy.
You love when the 3 of us lay on the floor and I read you girls books. You always look so interested in Olivia, I think it's the colors!
You are still just breastfed, we're starting the formula this weekend to get you used to it for when I go back to work *tear*
You wake up once a night for the most part once you are put to bed around 8:30.
You wake up between 6:30-7ish and are such a morning person, just laying there, smiling and cooing at me.
You love your play mat and you're now reaching up and grabbing the toys hanging from it. You have a crazy grip on them too, when you hold them, you pull the crap outta them!
You roll over, both ways. Today you actually rolled from your back to your belly and right back. This is the first time you did it back to back.
Your legs are crazy strong. You love to stand on our laps and talk to us.
You still hate the carseat for the most part. You don't like being strapped in. Sometimes you're ok when I don't strap you in when we go for walks but for the most part, your not a fan.
You're neck is getting super strong, when you have tummy time you hold it up pretty high for a good amount of time. Mya likes to lay next to you to show you how it's done!
I'll leave you with some 3 month pictures, yes picture overload, once again! Sorry, I just can't help it.

Mya wanted to get in on the photo shoot so I told her to put her 2 year old shirt on! She had to have a hairband too! If you can't tell, she put it on ALL BY HERSELF!!!! NUT!

My bean sprout!

She kept sticking her tongue out at me!

cracking up!!! them

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