Friday, November 7, 2014

Ashley's pumpkin patch school trip

Ash had her school pumpkin patch trip the day after Columbus day, of course I took off so I could go with her.  I wouldn't have missed it!  She was pumped that I was going too but kinda bummed that Mya had to go to school, lol!  We dropped Mya off together though, which was fun.
LOVE this sister bond they have.
We get to Ashley's school and this is hanging up, surprised?!
By her book bag hook.
We got to the pumpkin patch, it was so nice out!  On the hayride ready to go!!!!  It's so strange, none of the little kids interact with eachother.  In Mya's school they had friends already.  Ash does play with this little girl, Tessa, but she wasn't here today.

My girl.
At one of the stops to see a chicken that the farmer bought around.
She even pet him!
Time to pick out her pumpkin.  Took her SO long to find the perfect one for her.  She kept going for the green ones, would pick them up and they'd be all soft so she'd place them back down.  
Just love my little pumpkin.
After the farm, we went back to the school and the kids played outside.  I stayed for about 5 minutes with her.  It wasn't easy leaving her, she was getting upset, but I didn't want to get her used to me being there.  Plus, all of the other parents had already left. 
Waiting to get my little one and peeking in during circle time.
SO happy to be spending the afternoon together.
Went to get Mya and Ash wanted to peek into the classroom.  lol
We went right over to the park.  Ash was DYING to show Mya the new workout equipment she found the previous week.
It's never too early to have your kids know that working out is not only fun, but so important to leading a long and healthy life.  I'm so glad we give this to them.  They may not like it when we go to the gym, but sometimes they'll ask if they can come with us (which they can't cause there is no child care there).  Makes me happy to see that they are watching us and learning the importance of a fit lifestyle.
They climbed up, time to play.
She can climb up all by herself now, so crazy!
My little monkeys.
Love my girls so much.
I'm so lucky that I was able to spend the day with them (well Ash for the majority of it).  I seriously couldn't be happier when I get to see life through their eyes.  Keep smiling girlies.  

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