Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Beach day with some of my favorites!

I had a day off at the end of July so planned a beach day, of course!  Luckily I have so many stay at home mom friends, so Regan and her crew met us at Asbury for the day.  It was probably one of the best beach days of the year for sure.  The weather was perfect, the water was cool and there was a sandbar.  God was lovin on us for sure! 
We got there and set up shop down by the water.
The kids got right to work.
I dug a little hole for them to play in.  Got a little workout in and the kids loved it.
Silly faces are always accepted.
The Bea girls.
Ash clearly picked out her suit that day.
Playing in the water, FUN!!!
Us mama's watched from our chairs.  Remember the days we could go to the beach and read, or just nap?!
ANNNDDDDD, more silly faces.
LOVE low tide.
With my little curly q.
Mags was there too, which we didn't even know till we were about to leave.  So we stayed a bit longer and they (Mags and Renee) took the girls out into the water.  Love ya girls.
So much fun, I wish summer never had to end....

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