Monday, August 18, 2014

Balloon festival

So, this is our 4th year going to see the balloons take off at the annual balloon festival.  Always such a beautiful sight to see.  We didn't get tickets to go in this year, and it was actually kind of a last minute decision to go.  We usually hit up the early am take off, happening around 6am.  This year we did the evening launch, for 6pm.  We ran into our old neighbors, who we miss dearly from the drive.  It was so nice to see them and for the kids to get to see this all together.  They sat in the parking lot too and shared their roof with the kids!  FUN! 
These 2!
Checking them all out.
I love that she wanted to wear this flower piece.  She kills me with her beauty.
flower power
Off they go!
Ash taking it in.
Just so beautiful.

Silly face Mya while Jack is lovin his cotton candy.
They all look so beautiful as they take off.
The monkey was a new one this year, so cute!
With my big girl. 
Mya wanted to take a pic.
So much fun.  I have to remember to buy tickets next year.  It's really cool to see them launch right off the ground.  Love this little tradition.

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