Monday, July 8, 2013

Happy Birthday Mrs I!

My best friend's mom turned 60 last weekend.  Rachel, her brothers and father threw her a surprise party to celebrate.  Mrs I was like my 2nd mom growing up.  Since Rachel and I both didn't have 'blood' sisters, we were that for eachother.  Which also meant we acquired 2 additional brothers on both sides, FUN!  But we spend every friggin weekend together, if not more.  So Mrs I was really like my 2nd mama.  Love you so much and I'm so blessed that you're still in my life. 
My mom and I made these starfish cookies for the party.
Mrs I was really surprised.  She had an idea but didn't know so many people would be there.
Pool time, this was hysterical.  Mya went in first.  She was laying in there, like relaxing.  Then, Ash gets dressed (but didn't get in) and Willie and Gregory came in too.  Mya, being a little girly girl, got out once they started splashing.  She came over to me and said, "Mommy, boys are crazy!  I want to put my clothes back on!"  Honey, boys never change!
Friends since Rachel and I were in Pre-K (which equals a long ass time ago).
Time for the swings.
Then over to play volleyball, or just kick the ball around, lol!
Love this little face.
Best pic I could get of the cake. 
Rachel made the cutest little dessert.  Sand with all sorts of treats to make it look like someone laying on the beach.  So creative! 
The girls watching Uncle Beef put the chocolate in the fountain, ready to dig in!
4 generations!
I wish I took a video of this cause it was so stinkin cute.  Mya was cracking Ky up.  Then Ky came in to eat her nose! 
Cracking her up...
....that face.
love her!
Mrs I and her newest grand child, Chase.
Friends, so sad Mrs D isn't in here too!
Rachel and I with our mamas.
Ash was loving this little guy.
And this was so cute.  Greg with his little girl, Victoria.  So so sweet and only 3 weeks old!
We hope you had a very special 60th birthday.  So glad we were there to share it with you.  Love you tons.  xoxo

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