Tuesday, July 9, 2013

a foggy beach day in Asbury

We love getting our weekly beach trips in, so when it's not sunny and hot, it's kinda depressing.  Sunday we planned on heading down the shore.  It started out as being a HUGE group.  One by one, people dropped off, the weather wasn't so nice, so I couldn't blame them.  Michael and Laura did come though.  In the 14 years that Ry and I have been together, we figured out, this was our first trip to the beach together, so crazy!  Michael loved the beach day, foggy, chilly and no sun, just his cup of tea!
I just had to input this video on the way there.  I remember growing up and as we would drive down, we'd sing, TO THE BEACH CH CH CH.  Well, now Mya and Ash do it too!  They crack me up.
We got there and the girls raced down to the water to feel it.  Mya started running wild, so typical.
 The crew!
 Twins and the ging.
 Auntie Laura and Mya headed down to the jetty to collect some shells.  On the way back, Mya and Uncle Michael splashed in the water.
 Crazy Mya and Uncle Michael
 She was loving it.
 Watching the waves with Auntie Laura.
 Time to build some castles.  Then Ash said to daddy, "Make me a mermaid!"
loving it
 Our little Ariel!
Then Mya wanted to be one too.
 The posing has me dying!
 Such an exhausting day, building sand castles, getting turned into a mermaid, playing in the water.
 Burying her
 All bundled up on the blanket, Ash goes over and makes herself at home.
 Tim, Thomas, Liz and Aunt Janet joined us around lunchtime when we were getting ready to leave.  Mya, Ash and Thomas got some fun sand playing in before we left though.
2 cute videos of the twins with the ginger.  It's so cute seeing them 2 together, playing with the girls.  Hopefully someone will have twins in this family!

We had such a fun day! Can't wait to do it again, next time it needs to be sunny and hot though.

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