Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mya starts PRE-SCHOOL?!!!!

Could this have really happened?  How is my little baby girl in preschool?  I have no idea but there is one thing I know, she LOVES it.  Like I don't even think it could have gone any better.  When I was thinking about her starting school, last winter I knew that I wanted to send her to where I went.  It's on Rutgers campus and has been around forever.  I went there, I met Rachel (my bestie) there, Joey and Tony went there too.  I knew this was going to be where we started Mya's education.  I was super excited when I spoke with the director and she gave me all of the info about the school too.  I'd been talking it up to Mya for months, reading her books to get her all ready.  I was still super nervous about the first day though.  I have tried a drop off thing before, ballet class.  She wasn't a fan of me leaving her, so we nixed that class.  Every time I spoke of school I'd say how I was going to drop her off and she was going to go all by herself, like a big girl!  She would say that back to me too, I can't wait to go, all by myself!  So here we were, September 13th, her first day of preschool.  The day started off great!  I got some adorable pics of my little bean so I could save them always!
 *tear* (only on mommy though)
 Lisa was outside (and Ash was napping) so we were able to get a pic with Ry and I in it too!  YAY!
 And we're off!  Titi met us there too, YAY!
 My perfect little family.
 Mya had her hook and hung her book bag and purse right up.  Cause you know, she had to bring both!
 The kids waited in a separate little room before the classroom doors opened.  All the kids were a little stand offish, except for Ash who was going up to anyone and anything!  Than the doors opened and the kids went in.  Mya was UBER excited to get in!
 Yes, there are 2 Mya's in the class.
 I think Ash was ready to start too!
 The second she got in, she was super excited to see scissors.  She sat right down and started cutting and drawing with the markers.  After a few minutes I said to her, ok Mya, we're going to leave now and we'll come to pick you up later.  She looked at me and said, ok mommy.  I came down to her and gave her a kiss and said, bye honey.  She gave me a kiss too.  Ry came down and kissed her (with Ash in his arms).  Than she said, Ash too!  So she kissed us all.  Than we turned around and left (well, actually went into the double sided mirror room that you can watch the class from).  She didn't cry at all.  Not one tear!   
After she colored for a little bit, she ventured over to the other side of the classroom where there are more arts and crafts.  This table had a ton of play-doh sections set up.  It was the first day and only half the class was there, so it was a pretty unstructured class.  Now that they're actually in the school year, it's more of a structured setting.  So in the class there is a teacher, Mrs Gliese and than about 6 college students.  Mya literally had 4 of the students sitting with her playing play-doh.
Mya and the 4 college students!  LOL!
Circle time!
Ry, Mary and I were taking turns watching Ash in the other room.  She is a maniac and I already know that when she starts school, she'll be running in and won't even turn around to say bye!!!!  My little free spirit!
Painting with another little girl.
She had no idea that I was literally right there behind the mirror watching, lol!  She was uber excited when she saw the computer with a Dora game on it!
Mya with her teacher, Mrs Gliese.  I freaking LOVE her.  She's so calm and sweet.  After school that first day, she came out and brought Mya her hairband that she forgot.  She got down to her level and gave it to her.  I asked to take a pic.  She smiled with her and after, she smooched her on the head and said, can't wait to see you next week Mya.  OMG I melted.  She's just so warm and loving with the children.  I couldn't be happier with our decision to send her here. 
Love you bean and can't believe how fast you're growing.  You've become such a strong minded, independent and silly little girl and I couldn't love you more.  I hope your first year (and every year there after) of school is memorable.  I love you baby girl.  xoxo


Regan said...

this made me cry. wasn't i just holding her in the hospital? i am so glad she didn't cry though, she will do great!

nayrzil said...

RIGHT?!! Girl I was a mess, hard to watch them grow but SO fun too.