Friday, September 21, 2012

15 months old

The ginger is 15 months old (actually, she's really almost 16 months, I'm just behind). We had a 15 month check up and here are her stats:

31.5 inches (75-90%)
23 lbs 14 ozs (50-75%)
And her head is >95% lol!

She's in size 18-24 or 2t clothes, size 4 diaper.
Speaking of diapers, she's peed on the potty!!!! Has done it a few times actually. Not that I'll be potty training anytime soon but I guess seeing Mya do it makes her want to do it! It's so cute and she gets so excited!
Has 6 teeth with another coming through. She's been obsessed with ice lately, it's gotta feel good on those gums.
Sleeps through the night, 8-6 ish.
Still takes a bottle but we're weening from daytime bottles. She LOVES the bottle, like LOVES. She might just be that 4 year old that still needs a bottle at bedtime, kidding, totally kidding.
This kid talks, she can even puts 2 words together already. Which, who knows, may be completely normal and what she should be doing. Since Mya didn't do this, I feel like she's so ahead. Some of her everyday words are:
My (that would be Mya) - sometimes says the whole My-A too, TOO CUTE! (Mary even told me that she said Mya bean yesterday, LOVE!
Aw done (all done)
Good job/good girl
No (a favorite)
Aaa-eeee (Ashley)
Pee (please)
Bay (bailey)
Aaa done
Boon (balloon), she's obsessed with them.
Tee (teeth)
A-pane (airplane)
I'm probably forgetting some cause this girl really talks a lot!
She repeats everything we say as well. Like no joke. Has said yellow and purple to name a few of the ones that surprised me.
She's been trying to jump and it's so damn cute! Can't get off the ground but bends down and pops up!
She's a picky eater! Sometimes I'll think she's all done cause her plate is clear. I'll lift her out of her seat and notice that all the food is on her seat! Mya used to eat all her food and beg for seconds and still does! So I'm not used to begging my child to eat.
She's a friggin monkey and wants to climb on everything. The stairs, the furniture you name it. However, she has still not tried climbing out of her crib! *runs to knock on wood* She loves the crib. Recently when I've been putting her to sleep, shes wanted to lay in Mya's bed instead of being rocked. So I'll lay her there, she gets into her sleeping position, arms tucked under her, on her belly with her hiney in the air (friggin adorable!). Last night she even passed out and got pissed when I moved her into her crib.
She is just always on the go and shopping trips are no longer fun. I actually dread going to the store if I have to take her. She hates being strapped into the seat, and will just run all over. She's wild in every sense of the word.
Has started with a few melt downs when she doesn't get her way (I wonder who she learned that from?). Like for real, yesterday she even started stomping her feet. Ry and I started cracking up, like really? Get over it!
She's also been pinching Mya lately. I think she just wants the reaction cause we all know Mya 'overly dramatic' Bea. She'll scream at the top of her lungs like she's being beat with a metal rod. I've tried to put her in time out and she just gets right up screaming. I'm so fuckin screwed huh? All I can do is laugh or seriously I'd go crazy.
Here are a few pics of the little mama. She's getting so big, SO FAST. I LOVE you peachy pie and enjoy every second of watching you grow.

At the dr for her 15 month check up.

Love that crooked smile.

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