Tuesday, July 5, 2011

1 month old

WOW, 1 month old already. I can't believe that it was already a month ago that you were born. Why does time go so fast??? So much has happened in a month. You have gotten so big and grown so much lets see.
Your stats from the Doctor visit:
10lbs 1.5ozs.
22.5 inches
She was bigger than Mya in both areas for her 1 month check up, totally surprised us there!
You're in mostly 0-3 month sized clothing. I did use the 3-6 month Gerber white onesies though, but they run really small.
You've been focusing on objects really well.
You aren't a huge fan of tummy time but you do move your head from side to side. When we're holding you on our chests you hold your head up so long too!
You love when you are being rocked, you love it even more when the person holding you does squats or lunges (Mya used to love this too).
You sleep alot still. You're good through the night too, waking every 2-4 hours, I have gotten a 5.5 hour stretch too. But the good thing is that you pretty much eat and pass right back out!
You don't like sleeping on your back, you like your side and belly.
You burp like a man, it's pretty funny coming from such a little girl.
Your eyes keep getting bluer, I think they ll be just like your daddy's.
Your hair is strawberry blonde and I LOVE it, I call you my little gingersnap!
You curl your toes up all the time, it's so cute.
You love it when we lay you on Mya's bed, and Mya loves it too, she'll come and lay right beside you.
You smiled at me for the first time on June 28th. You did it as Mya and I were having a 'party' at her little table. It was so freakin cute, I melted! Now you smile alot more and it's so cute!
You've been cooing a little bit and I absolutely LOVE it!!!
This first month has been so much fun, interesting and a little crazy, but SO fun! I can say that we're adjusted now to having 2 little ones and couldn't be more happy and in love. I can't wait to see how your little personality develops and how you grow into a beautiful little girl, but please do it VERY VERY SLOWLY!!!! I'm loving this time with my girls right now, it's so amazing to see them and to be able to spend everyday with them. I feel so blessed to have such amazing little girls.
I'll leave you all with some 1 month pics, Enjoy!
BIG stretch. Kinda looks like a cheerleading move!

Ok momma, enough of these pics!