Monday, May 24, 2010

lions and tigers and bears, OH MY!

I must admit that I do know I'm that crazy, over the top, picture taking mom. I took 400 pics on Saturday at the zoo, that's about 115 pics/hour and 2 pics a minute. MY GOD!!!!! It has alot to do with the fact that I'm always using the continuous picture setting in hopes of getting the best picture!! until of course it goes into the busy mode and I happen to miss the BEST shot, where both girls are looking and smiling at the same time....I think it's time to invest in a better flash which I hear it supposed to solve that problem. although i think it has to do with the memory card too. both are easy fixes and will be done soon enough!
Anyway, we headed to the Bronx zoo on Saturday with our good friends, Charity, Eric and their daughter, (Mya's best friend) Reese!!! The weather was perfect and we figured that since we've already conquered the Turtleback zoo, we'd head straight for the BMW of zoo's.
The girls were SO cute! I think they had more fun walking around and being the social butterflies that they are than they did seeing all the animals. It was a very long day and by the time we got to the Children's Zoo, which is the part that I wanted to bring Mya to the most since it has a petting zoo, we'd been there 3 hours. The girls both only got a half hour nap so far that day and both were getting tired. So we decided to save the Children's Zoo for another day!!!

No no no, she's not excited to see animals, but she's SO EXCITED to see a little creek!

I'd like to welcome you all to the very next JCrew model!!! Can you even stand her outfit!!!

All the animals and this one wants to play in the dirt, go figure!

Another water creek, another smile!

Trying to climb the fence to get to the creek. WILD CHILD!!!

Her first taste of ice cream. She wasn't as stoked about it as I thought she'd be. Let's see how she feels when she tries her first thomas sweet blend in, I'm sure we'll get excited for that!!

Licking the remnants from her face it was dripping down her chin!

The girls got to enjoy some of the fries that the parents got, they LOVED them!!! Started to stare us down when they were ready for another one!

Mya's loves to kick that leg up!

Sayin hi to uncle Eric!


The polar bear was HUGE!!!!!
The red panda, HOW CUTE!!!!

They didn't really like being in the strollers, which is probably why we didn't get far after 3 hours of being there. So independent those little beanies!!!

Look at that face up at daddy.

LOVE this pic!!!!

This one too!!!

Her new thing is pinching, little devil!!! She got daddy good here!

Mya loved the parrot at the gift shop, but daddy said, SHE DOESN'T NEED ANYTHING ELSE. So Char and I secretly got this girls matching, owl purses, they're so cute!!!!

Family shot round one!!!

The seals were the girls favorite part! They were SO freakin cute (the girls and the seals)!!

Back in the water he went.

Just being cute.
These girls love the water bottles.
Mya has even mastered drinking out of one! She's actually really good with it.


Family shot round 2!!! Got Mya to smile this time!!!
After the zoo, and the longest car ride back to Charity and Eric's. Mya decided that instead of sleeping, she'd cry the ENTIRE WAY HOME!!!! Charity and Eric's ears are probably still ringing from the cry. This child cannot fall asleep if anyone is next to her, so me being right next to her wasn't a good thing. I tried ducking down, slouching over, she would peer over and just stare at me and wail!
When we did get back to their house, she was all smiles. LOVES their pool, kept putting her fingers in and coming up to clap, it was adorable. Next time we're over hopefully it's nicer out and we'll be able to get into the pool (and get Mya in one of her adorable little bathing suits)!!!
Can you stand the thighs???

Sandbox fun!!! The girls took turns sitting in there, it was so cute!




I wish I'd gotten a good pic of Reesie giving Mya hugs at the very end. None that Ry took were all that great. But maybe Char will have a good one that I can steal to post here. It was SO cute, when we were getting ready to leave, Reese kept coming over to Mya and giving her these big hugs, SO CUTE!!!!! She'd come over, put her hands around Mya's head (cause she's so much taller than her) and slowly just take her down to the ground cause she'd lean on her to hug her. It was hysterical!!!!

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