Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Christmas morning

Christmas morning, such a fun time.  Whenever I think about it, I reminisce about my childhood and my Christmas mornings.  Waking up at the butt crack of dawn!  Taking turns in the bathroom as my dad went downstairs to "make sure Santa came," turn on the yule log (cause we were totally one of those families who had it on) and open the blinds and all.  The rest of us would be upstairs, trying to peek down to see the goods as my mom would tell us to stop peeking!  We'd wait in line, in age order, at the top of the stairs for my dad's ok to come down and off we'd dart down those stairs to see what Santa left for us.  God, I can seriously remember it so clearly.  I'm so happy that we're doing the same for our girls.  Although, I'm the one who's been up first every year so far, trying to be loud enough in the bathroom to wake them up.  This year, I even went into their room, "to see if they were awake" cause I was so excited for them to see what Santa left for them.  It's so amazing to watch their faces light up, hear their screams of joy as they open up that gift that they had asked for all December long!  Just fills my heart with so much joy and happiness.  This year, unlike other years, I was ahead of the game.  I had everything wrapped and ready to just place under the tree.  Although I just wanted to move some of the furniture around so we were able to set up the tent and tea set that Santa left for them.  Ry thought I was crazy, as he always does, but agreed to help, like he always does!  Love him!  Here we are, ready to go!!!!   
 The tea set, I fell in love with this! 
This was from Peanut Butter, their elf on the shelf.
 Our annual top of the step pic, taken every year!
So ready to dart down!
Given the ok to come down!
Ash ran right over to the table and tea set.
Then wanted to make sure Santa ate his cookies.
PURE JOY!  Literally rolling on the ground.
Opening away....

BEADOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  OMG so pumped.  

SO excited.
And Ash with this glittery blue tutu.  She got 3 new blue tutu's for Christmas, kid is in heaven!

 Smile for a pic family
My heart and soul and everything in between.
Santa wants me to work on my grip strength, lol!
 Such an amazing morning.  Seriously couldn't feel more blessed.

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